Aug. 22, 2005, Rev. Pat Robertson, a Christian,
knee-jerk supporter of the Bush-Cheney Gang and
a lackey for Israels Ariel Sharon, publicly
insisted that the U.S. should assassinate Venezuelas
President Hugo Chavez. The incendiary remarks were
made by the founder of the so-called Christian
Broadcasting Network on his program known
as the 700 Club. What kind of Christian
is it that suggests on a public television show
before a nationwide audience that a leader of another
sovereign country should be murdered? Hasnt
Robertson ever heard of the Ten Commandments? I
also believe that the-not-so-Reverend Robertson
is giving God a bad name.
is exactly what Robertson said: We have the
ability to take him (Chavez) out, and I think the
time has come to exercise that ability. Its
a whole lot cheaper than starting a war...Its
a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives
do the job and get it over with. (1)
This is the same Robertson who has seen no evil
in the unjust Iraqi War. The same can be said with
respect to his views of Israels Apartheid
Wall, its attack on the USS Liberty and its unjustified
killing of activist Rachel Corrie. (2)
None of the above has shown up on Robertsons
blurred moral radar screen.
for Venezuela, although oil rich, it is one of the
poorest countries in South America. Hugo Chavez,
a populist, and ex-Army officer, is its elected
president. He has valiantly attempted to come to
grips with the social, economic and justice problems
that have long plagued that suffering nation. Almost
85 percent of its people languish in grinding poverty.
Because Chavez has refused to bow to pressures from
ruthless International Bankers, he has been targeted
for abuse, and possibly, assassination. (3)
there any doubt that fundamentalism, religiously
inspired by the likes of the bigoted Robertson,
is a curse on our country and on Mankind? Why do
we allow these extremist religious types to separate
us from each other? Why cant we have a spiritual
theology that brings us all together? (4)
there is another example of a flawed ideology, that
is indeed, more threatening to the world and to
its future. Unfortunately, it is mostly overlooked
and it isnt seen as the ultra-evil that it
really is! Im talking about Vulture Capitalism!
(5) It is a grasping materialistic
system that is related to by many as a religion
which shouldnt be questioned; its ethic holds
that Money, and its vast accumulation by any means
necessary, is worshipped as a God.
Capitalism is a fundamentalist ideology with political,
economic and religious aspects. Some of its more
fanatical adherents are members of what is generally
known as: The Bush-Cheney Gang; Tony Blair and the
UK Establishment; International Bankers, Big Oil,
the Zionist Cartel and the U.S.s Military
Industrial Complex. Its movers and shakers remain
in the background. (6) They
are so powerful that some of these entities, standing
alone, are more powerful than even some nation-states.
Each has its own separate objectives, which many
times cross over with the nefarious plots of others.
People are pawns for them. Morality and the Natural
Law are irrelevant to their devilish schemes. (7)
In my opinion, these groups represent a real threat,
not only to our Republic, but to life on our planet.
Only strong nation-states, in the hands of their
own people, can meet the awesome challenges of these
globalists - opponents of humankind. (8)
back to the deranged Robertson, I met one of his
soul brothers, a few years back - the Rev. Ian Paisley.
(9) Hes the fiery Protestant
preacher/politico from Belfast, in the north of
Ireland. His bete noire is the Catholic Pope of
Rome, whom he considers the Antichrist.
Unlike Robertson, however, Paisley does has a sense
of humor. He once made me wait until he preached
at a church service in Baltimore, Maryland, before
granting me an interview. He failed to warn me,
however, that he was going to read 32 verses from
the Bible as part of that two-hour process.
the massive crime of British Imperialism in Ireland,
Im convinced that Paisley, as we know him
today, would not exist! The Brits created him, along
with a partitioned Ireland, that pitted indigenous
Catholics (Nationalists) in the South, against Protestants
(Unionists) in the occupied Six Counties of the
North. In the South of Ireland, (mostly Catholic)
a 26- county state dominated by arch conservative
RC clerics took form, where the hypocrisy of the
ruling Bishops was quite evident. (10)
Naturally, the Protestants in the North wanted no
part of a state ran by RC clerics. The clerics always
made sure their narrow minded interests came before
the cause of Irish nationhood. Fortunately, things
are finally, but slowly, changing for all the Irish
people, both Green and the Orange, as the insidious
evils of British imperialism begin to fade from
that bloodstained landscape.
where do people like Pat Robertson and Ian Paisley
come from? Surely, not from God - but from the religion
of the Vulture Capitalists. For instance, absent
the ultra Right Wing politics of that late fraud
and hypocrite Ronald Reagan, who single-handedly
repealed FDR's New Deal, not to mention
the politics of Bush I and Bush II, Robertson would
be mostly invisible and without a public platform.
Hate mongers, like him, cant exist in a vacuum.
I think, however, that if you take a closer look
at Robertson, and also around the world at the religious
fundamentalists that are instigating violence and/or
enmity between peoples, you will notice that, at
some level, their wires are being pulled from behind
the scene by political operatives. Their horrific
schemes, many of which are cleverly disguised false
flag operations, (11),
represent the direct interests of the divide-and-conquer
ruling cliques who are the real rulers of this planet.
Pat Robertson Says US Should Kill Venezuelan President
2. Washington
Report on Middle East Affairs
3. Venezuelan
Government Charges U.S. Government of Dirty
Media Campaign
4. What God Wants by Neale Donald Walsch.
5. Vulture
6. Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story
of the Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman.
7. The
State of the World: Poverty and Development
8. Chalmers Johnsons The Sorrows of
9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Paisley
10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eamon_Casey,
and also, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Catholic_Church_sex_abuse_scandal
11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag
© William Hughes 2005
William Hughes is the author of Saying No
to the War Party (Iuniverse, Inc.). He can
be reached at: liamhughes@comcast.net.