local West Belfast Firefighters Support Group was
established recently along with other local support
groups after a meeting of various trade union and
community activists in Central Belfast. We decided
initially amongst other activities to do a collection
and distribute leaflets at the Kennedy Centre on the
Falls Road. With a dozen local trade union representatives
from West Belfast, various unions and local community
activists we were joined by over a dozen firefighters
from the local fire station. Some of those in attendance
had brought their kids - some dressed in firefighters
uniforms. And with a fire engine parked outside we
were very visible.
than standing outside the premises we were actually
not only invited into the main mall but also provided
with table and chairs by the centre which was much
appreciated. The response by the local people of West
Belfast was absolutely brilliant, with not only hundreds
of pounds donated in a couple of hours but people
were very aware of the role of Blair and his supporters
in relation to the firefighters dispute. Much of the
propaganda about the firefighters put out by various
networks cut no ice with many whom I spoke to.
support was greatly appreciated by both the firefighters
and the local trade union and community activists
who came to lend support. Much of the propaganda put
out by the government against the firefighters is
part of a bigger political agenda as witnessed through
its recent interventions. The firefighters seek only
fair pay yet the government refuses to allow this
and calls for 'modernisation'. The FBU has stated
its commitment to further introduce change for the
benefit of the communities it serves and has already
put out its position statement on the way forward
for 'true modernisation.' Yet the modernisation the
government states and seeks will actually mean cuts
to fire cover and would be equivalent of closing down
the entire Scottish fire service if taken in relation
to UK.
the recent support and solidarity shown in those few
hours in the Kennedy Centre for 'fair pay' for the
firefighters I would like to say to the hundreds who
showed their support in West Belfast 'fair play' and
I hope such brilliant support and solidarity will
continue as Blair continues to dig in his heels while
his spin-doctors unleash their propaganda.
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