again West Belfast has showed the British establishment,
Orange Order, Loyalist and Unionist politicians -
if that is what you would call them - how a city of
culture should be, with yet another successful feile
an phobail.
was privileged to attend the International Night in
the Marquee, where you had a mixture of people who
were White, Black, Latin/North American, Palestinians,
Catholic, Protestant, Dissenter, Gay and Heterosexual
and, not forgetting all the Europeans, all in the
one tent of culture and diversity. And not one word
of anger or hatred was spoken.
a community that has borne the brunt of British Injustice
since the formation of this sectarian state, the Feile
committee and the people of West Belfast can hold
their heads up high and be proud of the show they
put on with what are very limited resources.
some day the Loyalist, Unionist, and Orange communities
will follow the example of Feile an Phobail
and instead of ramming their hate driven culture down
the throats of Nationalists make it some thing they
can share with all the communities in the North of
I would have just one word of criticism (the Talk
Back debate). Once again we had to endure a anti-nationalist
representative from the Unionist party, and Austin
Currie, whoever he represents, plus a journalist,
who spent the night refusing to answer any questions
they did not like, i.e. Afghanistan, Iraq, Colombia,
the Middle East, the 11+, and so on. Some of the questions
asked were worthy of an reasonable answer instead
of being brushed aside. Surley now the time has come
to get a panel of international speakers worthy of
such an event rather the verbal crap which was taken
to a new level by this year's panel, or at the very
least a chair who will not let the panel off the hook
so easily. The public deserve better and I believe
that no debate would be better that a repeat of this
an Phobail has nothing to prove to any government
body or funding agency and surely now proper funding
must be granted to what could be the biggest community
festival in Europe, if not in the world, which would
give a massive boost to the local tourist industry,
and truly make Belfast a City of Culture - and diversity.
Sean Smyth is a delighted Feile goer
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