The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

Where Are the Courts of Human Rights?

Victor Barker • 22 January, 2003

I fully support Bernadette Sands McKevitt when she asks that her husband be given a fair trial in February when he is charged with membership of an illegal organisation and directing terrorism.

However I put this to her.

At least she and her husband are given the means to defend themselves. If her husband feels that he is being vilified by the press and wrongfully accused of involvement in the Omagh Bomb then he can of course sue the papers concerned for Libel.

I have always been a defender of Human Rights — this is why I have strongly criticised those sections of the press who have complained at the grant of legal aid to her husband in the case being brought against the REAL IRA in the civil court in respect of the Omagh Bomb by some of the relatives.

However she refers to the Omagh Bomb as a tragedy. It certainly was for my family — but I call upon her to condemn those responsible and to accept what actually happened on that day for what it really was — an act of indiscriminate murder of innocent civilians.

My son James, then aged 12, was in Omagh with his friends on a school trip from the Irish Republic — where were his human rights when his body was ripped apart by the bomb? At least, Mrs McKevitt, you have your children with you and can defend them. James was denied the right to his human life,and my wife and I are left with a void in our lives which will never be filled.

Whether or not your husband had anything to do with the Omagh Bomb is a matter which should be determined in a court of law. I for my part will never take justice into my own hands.

Victor and Donna-Maria Barker
Parents of James (12)
A Child murdered by the Omagh Bomb.










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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the dangers of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of 'crackpot' than the stigma of conformity. And on issues that seem important to you, stand up and be counted at any cost.
- Thomas J. Watson

Index: Current Articles

23 January 2003


Other Articles From This Issue:


Answers Needed Now
Francie Perry


Where are the courts of Human Rights?
Victor Barker


Principle, Pragmatism and Lies

Ed Moloney


Historical Unconsciousness
Seoirse McLaughlin


Fallen Anglicans and Other Limping Analogies
Eoghan O'Suilleabhain


A Message from the Heart of the Empire
Michael Youlton


19 January 2003


Fair Trial Not a Farcical Travesty
Bernadette Sands McKevitt


For Whom the Bells Toll
Anthony McIntyre


The Republic: Of Connolly, of Costello, of Kearney and Campbell

Terry Harkin


O Bradaigh versus Adams
Classicism versus Historical Consciousness

Father Sean Mc Manus


Beyond the Border
Annie Higgins




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