like others have been following the ongoing debate
in the Irish News in relation to the United
Irishmen with some interest. The debate has brought
to the fore differing republican - nationalist understandings
combined with loyalist understandings of this period.
We have seen such issues as religion, the Orange Order,
the union, sectarianism and much more raised, much
based on fact while others based on wishful thinking,
perceptions or indeed attempted revisionism. Nevertheless
it is a worthy debate, which in some cases if you
wade through at times that attempted revisionism or
the falling into political and - or practically sectarianism
coming from various articles, one can in fact at times
objectively attempt to get an understanding of others'
such a wide variety of differing opinions and understanding
of this period should not be of much surprise as even
on the hundred year centenary of the rebellion in
1898 James Connolly was moved to state that 'few moments
in history have been more consistently misrepresented
both by open enemies and professed admirers than that
of the United Irishmen'. Like the United Irishmen,
Connolly also has attempted to be claimed from many
various quarters, this being both a testament and
a tribute to their lasting legacies. So against this
backdrop of continual debate on this issue I wish
to raise but a few points.
then looking at Republicanism's claim to the United
Irishmen, when I state republicanism I mean not that
of traditional republicanism but that of Provisional
republicanism (constitutional Nationalism). It is
clear that the cause and beliefs of the United Irishmen
would not sit well with many of this now locally articulated
New Nationalism (Provisional Republicanism). With
the ever embracing of corporate America, big business
and the ruling exploitive powers and classes I reckon
when Henry Joy stated that 'the rich always betray
the poor' his words may now fall on deaf ears within
such circles. The Catholic Church and their role,
against the rebellion of the 'French Disease' has
also been well documented. The church was part of
a three tier British strategy against the rebellion
which included also the attempted intensification
of sectarianism and the increase of repression. Nevertheless
from the various 'wings' of republicanism - nationalism
they all wish to attempt to claim the United Irishmen,
from Fianna Fail to left republicans they want to
claim to stand in Tone's tradition.
looking at loyalists and their claim to Henry Joy
McCracken and the widening debate in relation to Protestants
and their position in such matters, I find interesting
and such debate is welcomed. A number of points have
been raised which I would like to touch on. Firstly
David Rose stated Jan 6th that the link with Britain
best guaranteed the equality of Protestant, Catholic
and Dissenter. Looking objectively this is a complete
contradiction of what the United Irishmen stood for.
They stood firmly with the breaking of the Union,
this is a historical fact and again well documented.
If one believes in the cause of the United Irishmen
how then can one claim to 'uphold' that which the
United Irishmen were against? Secondly how can one
uphold the beliefs of the United Irishmen while in
tandem support those that were set up to crush them?
The sectarian 'peep O day boys' renamed as the Orange
Societies were founded to create division not unity
and to crush with other tactics any possible unity
of the United Irishmen.
the issue of the Orange Order's initial sectarian
purpose, William Blacker, a member of the landed gentry
who became the first grand master of the Orange Order
described in the first meeting of his lodge 'a determination
was expressed of driving from this quarter of the
country the entire of its Roman catholic population'.
On the issue of the Orange men's role against the
United Irishmen the British General Knox laid out
British strategy at the time, 'I have approved a plan
to scour a district full of unregistered arms: this
I do, not so much with a hope to succeed to any extent
as to increase the animosity between the Orangemen
and the United Irishmen. Upon that animosity depends
the safety of the centre counties of the North'. Finally
on the issue of the Orange men's make up General Knox
confessed 'they are bigots and will resist Catholic
Emancipation'. In effect rather than the Orange Order
being established for religious and civil liberties
it was established and developed to create division
and to attempt to crush the United Irishmen.
with then support from the Catholic Bishops against
the 'French Disease' the development of this sectarian
division and the orange order coupled with continued
repression, state strategy was aimed at destroying
the unity of the United Irishmen.
debate while based in an historical context has also
raised points in relation to the present with at times
the debate unfortunately reverting to both sarcasm
and sectarianism. Despite this though, I believe that
readers can and will draw their own conclusions and
on that issue I wish to draw my own historical lessons
in relation to the practicalities of today. As this
ongoing debate I hope will continue where differing
political 'understandings' of that momentous period
can be addressed, I believe that while many may have
their own view on this issue that the lesson that
we can all draw from the United Irishmen is of the
unity they rallied across the religious divide for
their cause, with Catholic, Protestant and Dissenter.
It was important then and is an important lesson for
many have and will claim such historical events and
beliefs as their own or as a set of principles they
with others follow, I have always believed that the
proof of the pudding is in the eating. Those who talk
of the United Irishmen and state they adhere to and
uphold their principles should be judged on not what
they say but in their actions. Many can, do, have
and will state certain beliefs and principles, yet
how many actively follow them? My belief is that the
inheritors of the United Irishmen will stand firm
against sectarianism and actively fight it; they will
fight for equality for all our peoples and stand up
for justice, they will look for unity and stand against
division, they will do this on the understanding of
the true principles of the United Irishmen - not communal
politics, but that of Catholic, Protestant and Dissenter.
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