The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

UK Complete Me


There has been a great deal of inaccurate speculation about the current round of talks between the British and ourselves. The effect of these leaks may often to be to put unfair pressure on the other side, and so it is with some reluctance that I feel compelled to set out in brief the contents of our modest proposals for reviving the Good Friday Agreemnt, a succinct document which I had the privilege of helping to carry into Stormont last week. As Ireland's leading civil rights organisation, it is incumbent upon Sinn Fein to make sure that certain core principles are enshrined;

1. The institutions must be safeguarded. They have repeatedly been suspended at the whim of the unionists. Consent is at the very heart of the peace process and therefore logically it follows that unionists cannot be permitted to withold it.

2. Judicial reform; we are keen to see judges from the South sitting in the North. To those who point out that the law is different, we say that this will result in decisions which are less pedantic, and more based on common sense. We also want new disciplinary procedures, to cover unacceptable conduct, words, or indeed verdicts. This can be extended later to cover witnesses and jurors, as part of a comprehensive reconciliation strategy. Judicial independence is a fundamental issue in our society. Sinn Fein will oppose it vigorously.

3. We have called for an all-island sex offenders register. Contrary to reports, this is not a gratuitous swipe at Vincent McKenna. That's just a bonus; the register will cover all non-CRJ-approved child abuse.

4. Continued spying is undermining trust between the parties. It is therefore imperative that all British agents within the civil service be removed forthwith. For monitoring purpose we will require names and addresses of all such individuals.

5. We require further movement on policing to make it acceptable to the urban guerrilla community.

6. Symbols are a vital issue. We are happy to consider issues such as flags with an open mind, but to be acceptable, any such flag should give equal prominence to the colours, green and orange, associated with our two communities.

7. Who the hell says 'Londonderry' anyway?

8. S. Armagh installations; what you don't know can't hurt you.

This is merely the baseline and represents the minimum requirement if the London and Dublin governments are to be seen as credible partners for peace. Let there be no mistake. We are at the edge of the abyss. It is time to move forward.

Jimmy Sands
Ceann Comhairle
Caribbean Sinn Fein






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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the dangers of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of 'crackpot' than the stigma of conformity. And on issues that seem important to you, stand up and be counted at any cost.
- Thomas J. Watson

Index: Current Articles

23 February 2003


Other Articles From This Issue:


Knowing Too Much and Saying It Too Well: Bernadette McAliskey Barred from US
Anthony McIntyre


A Unity of Purpose Against the War
Aine Fox


UK Complete Me
Jimmy Sands


The Left Isn't Listening
Nick Cohen


The Letters page has been updated.


20 February 2003


The Shadow of the Gunman
Paul Dunne


'Ulster Says No!' to a Bush Bomb Blitz
Newton Emerson


The Rally
Anthony McIntyre


Impressions of the NYC Anti-War Demonstration
Sandy Boyer


In Praise of Father Mc Manus
Congressman Ben Gilman


"Just Get Out!"
Gabriel Ash




The Blanket




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The Blanket Magazine Winter 2002
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