The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

Young People Are Not the Problem

Council Hopefuls criminalizing our young people, says Independent Irish Republican Tish Murray

Election Coverage

Tish Murray Campaign Press Release • 1 May 2005

Independent Irish Republican Tish Murray has called on the electorate in the Farranshane ward Antrim to ask all the candidates, “What are you going to do to address and improve amenities for our young people?”

Mrs Murray said, “There is a recent and most disappointing thrust especially by many council hopefuls to criminalize all young people congregating with alcohol in various woodlands or street corners throughout Crumlin, Randalstown and Antrim Town.”

The Farranshane Independent Irish Republican said, “Young people cannot be blamed for failed police, failed councilors, the lack of amenities and the NEELB’s failure to provide an effective youth service for all. It is a collective failure,” she said, “that belongs not with our young people or their parents but with those employed and paid by the voters within the Antrim Borough public sector.”

Murray said, “More than 60 young people, predominantly nationalist, aged between 16–22 years who were previously moved on by the police from Newpark, Greystone, The Folly, Springfarm, Townparks, Crumlin and Randalstown are now frequently gathering in Rathenraw. Which,” she said, “is a typical Antrim Borough quick-fix solution by the police to appease party electioneering rants that scapegoats young people who are saying it isn’t safe for nationalists to drink in the local bars,” and she added, “I know many adults who feel the same way, not only about socializing in Antrim Town, but also shopping.”

Murray said, “Moving the problem on from one area to another does not address the longstanding council neglect of all our young peoples’ needs and I confidently say all because many Unionist youths gather to drink alcohol in the Stiles area after they were moved on from the Steeple and other Unionist areas in Antrim town.”

“This convenient moving on policy,” she added, “is duplicated in Crumlin and Randalstown”

Mrs Murray, said, “I regularly accompany Rathenraw youth workers and together we speak with the young people drinking in our area. For example,” she said, “we encourage our young people to use litter bins, keep the noise down and to be good mannered to all in the community. Our approach,” said Mrs Murray, “based on mutual respect and understanding, has helped to develop a good working rapport with our young people. We have made it clear to the young people that we understand their fear of drinking in the local bars and we respect them as people. In return we are urging the young people respect our community to understand that many in our community are apprehensive about drunken youths. So far,” said, Murray, “this approach is working. Now we need the political leaders to do their bit for the young.”

















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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



All censorships exist to prevent any one from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships.
- George Bernard Shaw

Index: Current Articles

2 May 2005

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* Election Coverage *

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Young People Are Not the Problem
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Jude the Obscure Republican
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* More Election Coverage *

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