the European Social Forum, anti-war organisations
in 11 European countries agreed to demonstrate against
Bush and Blair's war on the same day: 15 February
2003. A follow-up meeting in Copenhagen on 15 December
agreed to co-ordinate European-wide actions. In December
a landmark conference in Cairo initiated a new International
Campaign Against US Aggression on Iraq. We encourage
people around the world to unite for a world-wide
day of demonstrations on 15 February against the prospect
of war.
more details visit:
Belfast, as in Dublin, we will be holding a rally
on the 15th February to tie in with the international
movement and also are calling for a picket of the
Belfast US Consulate (Queens St) at 4pm the day after
the bombing - war - slaughter begins. To coordinate
and build these events we are organising local anti-war
groups. We are encouraging everybody to get involved
- either in their local group or to come along to
the steering meeting this Thursday to see what role
you can play.
are as follows:
Steering group :
Meets 7.30pm, BIFHE Brunswick, every Thursday
groups estabished - Central Belfast, South Belfast,
West Belfast, BIFHE, Queens Uni; Details of Belfast
North, East and other local universities to follow
info on above groups or other anti war groups being
established in the North contact Davy
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