The Blanket

Stand Up And Be Counted

Mickey Donnelly • Still Struggling for Civil Rights, Derry City

The attempted murder of Derry man Danny McBrearty underlines the need for people to stand up and be counted against the thugs who attacked him. It is vital that people support Mr McBrearty, and that they also express their solidarity for Bridie McCloskey and her family. Years ago people resisted state brutality, and the key to that resistance was solidarity. We need that solidarity now more than ever before.

When I marched for civil rights I never imagined that we would have ended up with the kind of political gangsterism that threatens us today. Along with many others, I marched for freedom from thuggery.

When we stood up for our rights, my neighbour, Samuel Devenney, was attacked in his home by the R.U.C., and later died from his injuries. But it is clear that today Derry is being occupied by another gang of self-imposed policemen who enjoy attacking anyone who dares stand up to them.

I lived a few doors away from Samuel Devenney, and the morning after his home was attacked I saw what the R.U.C.had done. It is time for the people of Derry to ask one another: "What is the difference between today's masked police and the ones who murdered Samuel Devenney?" As I have stated, I saw what they did to my neighbour in 1970, and today I can see no difference at all.

It is time for people to oppose the organisation that shot Danny McBrearty. Years ago a generation marched for civil rights but today we have none because this gang can do what it likes without opposition. Anyone who ever marched for civil rights should now condemn what was done to this man, and they should rally to his family. Any politician who truly believes in democracy and opposes gang rule must condemn this atrocity and publicly offer their support to Danny McBrearty. The clergy must challenge this oppressive situation and condemn it as

Samuel Devenney was murdered because in 1970 Catholics were fair game for the state. We are supposed to have a peace process now, but Catholics still remain easy targets. What has changed is that another political elite is attempting through threats, gangsterism and downright thuggery, to impose its will over the rest of us. I describe them as gangsters because that is what they are. In order to attack a man while at his work, they took time out from their own daily routine of collecting protection racket money and selling illegal cigarettes.

In fact, things have gotten worse since 1970, because Samuel Devenney's relatives at least had a pretence at an inquiry. Danny McBrearty deserves justice, and people should support him by demanding the truth.







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It is better to be defeated on principle than to win on lies.
- Arthur Calwell
Index: Current Articles

24 October 2002


Other Articles From This Issue:


Stand Up And Be Counted
Mickey Donnelly


Read It And Weep

Mick Hall


Particularity Or Universality?
Liam O Ruairc


Time Has Run Out For An Armed IRA
Anthony McIntyre


Thoughts On The Coming War
Sean O Torain


The Letters Page has been updated.


20 October 2002


Dancing on the Graves of Ten Men Dead
Anthony McIntyre


The Wily Ways of a Boy From Ballymurphy

Barry White


SF's Ruse Coloured Glasses
Brian Mór


Historic Shirts of the World
Brian Mór


Liam O Ruairc


From Belfast To Genoa - Now Florence
Davy Carlin


An Open Letter to the Democratic National Committee
Jeanie Bauer


The Letters Page has been updated.




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