The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent
Report of Bloody Sunday Commemoration in Glasgow


Seamus Reader • 1 February 2005

The West of Scotland Band Alliance held our annual Bloody Sunday commemoration in Glasgow Saturday 29th January 2005 and are pleased to report the march was successful and passed off peacefully without any major incident.

Around 500 marchers took part in the commemoration, and conducted themselves with dignity in the face of severe provocation by a small group of fascist protesters along the route.

Once the marchers reached the rally point at Roystonhill, a Band Alliance spokesperson addressed the crowd ''we remember the events of that day and let the British government know that should they try and sweep the truth under the carpet once again there are people who will continue to fight to have the truth told, whether that be in the media, the court room or on the streets. The message from the West of Scotland Band Alliance, the various other groups and the individuals here today is clear; 33 years on, we want justice''.

All in all, it had been a very successful march and the West of Scotland Band Alliance would like to thank the various groups and individuals who took part in the commemoration. Particular appreciation has to be extended to the anti-agreement groups who agreed to attend, knowing full well our support for the Good Friday Agreement. It was a testament to the events of that tragic day that we could put our political differences aside, all be it for one day, to commemorate and, indeed, demonstrate for truth & justice for the relatives of the Bloody Sunday victims.

Also, we would like to show appreciation to the Scottish Republican Socialist Movement and particularly, the Welsh Republican Movement who made the trip north to join the march.

Finally, we regret that a representative of the Bloody Sunday relatives was unable to address the rally, however in their absence we hope we made the message clear, 33 years on, we want justice!

West of Scotland Band Alliance

The full oration can be found at














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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



All censorships exist to prevent any one from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships.
- George Bernard Shaw

Index: Current Articles

4 February 2005

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Report of Bloody Sunday Commemoration in Glasgow
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Sex, Lies, But No Videotape
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