Visions Conference
Seaghan O Murchu 18 February 2005
month, a gathering of plenary speakers (Hugo Hamilton,
Declan Kiberd, Ronit Lentin, Ursula Rani Sarma)
and presenters from all over the world will meet
to share their analyses about a changing Ireland
viewed from its multicultural, multiethnic, and
many-faceted perspectives. The website, at http://www.ucd.ie/english/doublevision/index.htm,
provides more details on the panelists, the timetable,
and registration forms for this 18-20 March conference
at UCD.
To quote the website:
interdisciplinary conference investigates the identity
formation of marginal voices in Ireland. Focusing
on the 'double vision' of immigrants and minority
groups in their interaction with "mainstream"
narratives, the conference engages with literary,
historical, and social perspectives of displacement
and integration.
assembly should interest many readers of The Blanket
who share a committment to an Irish society more
welcoming to its increasingly diverse and enriching
peoples. The title of the conference, Liminal Irish
Identities, speaks to all who find themselves on
the margins, in-between cultures or beyond previously
demarcated boundaries or conditions. I hope many
of you can join us in Dublin the post-Paddy's day
weekend for craic and content that promises to be
richer than green beer or plastic sham-rockery.
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censorships exist to prevent any one from challenging
current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress
is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and
executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently
the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships.
- George Bernard Shaw
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