HILL. Thursday, January 20, 2005 Pressure
is mounting on the U.S. government to ban Mark Thatcher
from the United States.
Sean Mc Manus, President of the Capitol Hill-based
Irish National Caucus, has written to Dr. Mitchell
Reiss, President Bush's Special Envoy for Northern
Ireland, pressing him to make sure that the U.S.
does not apply a double standard: "one set
of rules for the English Establishment and another
for Irish Catholics".
do you think would happen to a Black man from Africa
(or a Catholic from Belfast) if he pleaded guilty
to a coup attempt in England?
you think they would be allowed into the U.S.? Do
you think they would NOT be placed on the 'no fly'
have written to you before about how nothing infuriates
Irish-Americans more than the double-standard: one
set of rules for the English Establishment and another
for Irish Catholics.
the U.S. is not to be seen as applying a double
standard, it surely must ban Mark Thatcher from
the U.S., just as it has banned Irish Catholics
with convictions against them.
that the peace-process is in such jeopardy, the
U.S. must not be seen exercising a double standard
by favoring the privileged and punishing the poor,
like Ciaran Ferry. I look forward to your response."
Mc Manus, explaining his letter said, "I wrote
to Dr. Reiss because obviously this issue has implications
for the Irish peace-process, as it is about U.S.
fairness and balance."
it is something Irish-Americans like all
other Americans should have a say about.
They cannot do anything about bank robberies in
Belfast or about the behavior of the British government
or Ian Paisley, but they can by right and duty have
a say about their own government."
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