In our grossly inflated ethnocentric perspective the
loyalist and republican ceasefires of ten years ago
were the big events of 1994. Listen to the representatives
of either persuasion or the governments they deal
with and you would never guess that in another part
of the world just months before the cessations more
people were being killed on a single day than died
as a result of the conflict in Ireland from 1969:
8,000 every 24 hours; five and a half people per minute.
And while our politicians were getting the ear and
time of President Bill Clinton courtesy of our comparatively
minor conflict, the leader of Western civilisation
was displaying a wilful indifference to genocide,
pretending in fact that he did not know it was taking
place. And we stayed silent too because we were getting
his attention, never as much as raising a whimper
in protest that those in greater need were being ignored
and butchered. But we are white Europeans. Black Africans
just dont seem to matter as much. A Rwandan
government official ruefully observed that the country
has no standing within the international community:
we dont have oil, so it doesnt matter
that we have blood, or that we are human beings.
because of its lush, rolling hills has been described
as Ireland with sun. Although Hutu and Tutsi are referred
to as ethnic groups, tribes or races, Philip Gourevitch,
author of a book on the country's genocide, comments
that nobody knows exactly how they came into
being as social categories in Rwanda. For some,
Rwanda is not a nation but a bad marriage between
these two main groups who share a common language
and religion. Under initial colonisation by the Germans
then the Belgians, the Tutsis despite their minority
status, a mere 15 per cent of the population, functioned
as an elite group and traditionally wielded power
over the Hutu majority. According to Gourevitch, Tutsis
represented the aristocratic upper classes while Hutus
were the peasant masses. The power and privilege disparity
was continuously reinforced by the Belgians who imposed
an apartheid type system on the country. When Rwanda
became an independent state in 1962, the Hutus reversed
the status quo and came to dominate, treating the
Tutsis as badly as they had been treated by them.
long-standing tension between the two groups has fuelled
the myth, which suited both the perpetrators and the
West, that the 1994 Hutu onslaught was just one more
unforeseen tribal flare-up, the catalyst for which
lay in the assassination of the countrys Hutu
president, Juvenal Habyarimana on April the 6th; an
event that provoked widespread popular revulsion.
However, as Walter Unger states:
1990 Hutu militiamen were being trained in the skilful
use of machetes to mutilate and butcher people so
that by 1994, at the proper, engineered moment,
hundreds of thousands of Hutus could work as killers
in regular shifts slaughtering Tutsis.
training of the interahamwe - meaning 'those who attack
together' - an African equivalent of the SS Einsatzgruppen,
was a response to a campaign being waged by Tutsis
expelled from the country. Their objective - securing
repatriation to their homes. In 1993, Tanzania brokered
the Arusha Accords, a power sharing arrangement which
would see both Tutsi and Hutu installed in office.
A ceasefire would be overseen by UN troops led by
Canadian General Romeo Dalliare. The previous Hutu
rulers were furious at the idea of their absolute
power being compromised by having some of it doled
out to both the Tutsis and Hutu opposition parties.
They resolved to take corrective action. Their means,
systematic mass physical extermination of a civilian
There was nothing that crept up on the blind side
of the US or UN. The warning signs had been flashing
for quite some time. A report by the Organization
of African Unity later claimed that the slaughter
could have been prevented had France, the United States,
the United Nations and Christian church leaders only
listened to the alarms. A decade after the bloodshed
a compelling case can be made from the research that
Rwanda was abandoned by the United Nations and that
the ultimate dead hand of inertia in all of this was
the US. The UN Genocide Convention of 1948 which contracts
the UN Security Council to halt genocide and punish
those responsible was treated with contempt by the
Clinton White House. Throughout those murderous hundred
days, Clinton officials were specifically instructed
not to use the word "genocide" lest it provoke
public pressure to do something. And when France eventually
got around to sending in a force it saved not the
victims of genocide but those who perpetrated it from
the Tutsi led Rwandan Patriotic Front which seized
control of the country in the closing days of June.
It also allowed many of the leading war criminals
to escape into the Congo. By then three-quarters of
the registered Tutsi population had been put to the
now accessible to the public shows that Clintons
staff knew within days of Habyarimanas assassination
that a "final solution" to eliminate all
Tutsis was under way. Three months before the genocide
began Dallaire informed his UN superiors of a Hutu
government plan to strategically murder Belgian UN
troops for the purpose of pre-empting through fear
any outside intervention designed to curb the génocidaires
once they were activated. His on-the-ground assessment
was that if his troop quota was doubled to 5,000 he
could halt the genocide. The US blocked him from taking
any action and ensured that the blue helmets
would be withdrawn. The American president insisted
that the UN had to learn, when to say no.
The UN took its lead from Clinton, not Dalliare, and
reduced its troop presence to a token and ineffectual
of adverse public reaction as a result of losing 18
soldiers in Somalia months earlier the US preferred
to tie its own hands rather than those swinging the
murderous machetes. And because of this wanton abandonment
Hutu priest Father Senyenzi, who threw in his lot
with the Tutsi victims and was to die alongside them,
told the congregation who sought shelter in his chapel,
these are your last hours. Prepare yourselves
to be received by God. Prepare your hearts to be received
in heaven. Meanwhile the interahamwe gathered
outside chanting the fate they had devised for the
cockroaches. Many of them were directed
there by state radio entreating them to do their work
as the graves were not yet full. The UN failed even
to jam Radio Hate.
was the site of the most sustained and systematic
genocide waged since the Holocaust. And those that
could have halted it did absolutely nothing. In fact
by reducing the limited force available to Dalliare,
they did worse than nothing. In April 2002, the Dutch
cabinet resigned en masse because it felt responsible
for failing to prevent the 1995 Srebrenica massacre.
Yet all those who sat and prevaricated on preventable
Rwandan massacres stayed in place, from Clinton to
Kofi Annan.
historian Gerard Prunier lashed out at the notion
that Africa is a place of darkness, where furious
savages clobber each other on the head to assuage
their dark ancestral bloodlusts. It is a continent
bled dry by the West which then imposes its own darkness
in order to evade accountability and responsibility
for the ensuing maelstrom of murder and massacre.
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