Sinn Fein were represented at a recent conference
in Sardinia organised by CONSEU (Conference of the
Stateless Nations of Europe), held in Cagliari and
hosted by the Regional Council of Sardinia. The conference
was opened by the President of the Sardinian Regional
Council, Efisio Serrenti. Attended by representatives
of independence movements, trade unions, culture and
language groups and academics from the various stateless
nations of Europe such as: Catalonia, The Basque Country,
Sicily, The Faroe Islands, Brittany, Scotland, The
Canary Islands, Sardinia and Corsica. The Conference
discussed the changed political climate post September
11 and the recent US led war on Iraq, focussing
in particular the impact this has had on the various
independence movements, in terms of increased repression
The conference agreed to hold an anti repression
conference in Brittany next year.
Addressing the conference RSF Assistant Publicity
Officer Des Dalton outlined the political situation
in Ireland, the on going attempts to criminalize and
coerce Irish Republicans opposed to the Stormont
Agreement, the denial of political status to
political prisoners and the continued failure of the
Stormont Agreement to deliver a stable,
lasting and just peace, an agreement which has
institutionalised sectarianism, whilst co opting
the Provisionals into the apparatus of British rule
in Ireland. he pointed out. He went on the speak
about RSFs alternative programme for the creation
of a new Ireland: EIRE NUA provides the only
blueprint for a sane and credible alternative to the
present British imposed partitionist institutions
north and south, institutions which have so clearly
failed the Irish people over the past 82 years.
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