(July 28) statement from the Provisionals is the
logical outcome of the change of direction they
made in 1986 when they deserted the revolutionary
road and started out on the constitutional path
through the partitionist institutions north and
has been clear for many years that the Provisionals
have abandoned the armed struggle against British
occupation forces. They will now destroy the remainder
of their arms, they say.
an army alleged to be without arms, the Provisional
IRA should now disband completely.
a rump will remain at local level to continue the
harassment of faithful Republicans who fundraise
for the prisoner's dependents, distribute Easter
lilies, sell the SAOIRSE newspaper or picket for
political status for Republican prisoners.
harassment can be expected to increase into persecution
when the Provos finally don the enemy uniform and
join the ranks of the British police force in Ireland.
This will be a far cry from the heroic strip-strike
by the blanket men in the H-Blocks of Long Kesh.
Provisional slogans of 'No Unionist Veto', 'No Return
to Stormont' and 'Not a Bullet not an Ounce', ring
very hollowly now. How on earth can British rule
in Ireland be ended, as the Provos claim, by accepting
and implementing that rule through Stormont and
other partitionist institutions?
Republican Sinn Fein has forecast they are being
slowly and steadily absorbed into the English system
in Ireland. Today's statement may improve their
chances of taking part in a coalition administration
in Leinster House but will hardly help them towards
a Stormont Executive.
Paisley's DUP will demand very humiliating conditions
from the Provos before allowing them to participate.
Eventually they will be unrecognisable.
Provisionals should discard the trappings of the
Republicanism they once served. Like Cumann na nGaedheal\Fine
Gael, Fianna Fail and the Workers Party they have
betrayed it. They are no longer Republicans.