The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

An Irish Wake for Ronnie Reagan

Radio Free Eireann

To listen to "An Irish Wake for Ronnie Reagan" go to

Track 1
Christie Moore singing "Hey Ronnie Reagan"

Track 2
Ronnie Reagan has left the house and is on tour by the CCCP.

Track 3
00:00 - 6:08
Barry Crimmins famous sitarist and comedian will be hosting comedy night at Rocky Sullivans on 28 and Lex in Manhattan every Tuesday night till we get rid of Bush. More on

6:08 - 18:43
Noillagh gives the Irish connection with Ronnie

18:43 - 27:26
Irish Axtivist Mary Kelly talks about her upcoming trial in Ennis Co. Clare this week for taking an ax to a US war plane at Shannon airport. Ramsey Clarke will be flying over to Ireland to testified on Mary's behalf.

27:26 - The new rap song by Eammon McCann
"McCanns the Man"

30:26 - 37:38
Brian Mor continues the Irish Wake for Ronnie Reagan by reminiscing about how he let 10 Irish men die on hunger strike in 1981

37:38 - 44:50
We went into our archives and found an 1988 public service announcement by Ronnie and Nancy Reagan just say yes to crack.

44:50 - 49:40
Billy "CLUB" Hughes does commentary on the b movie actor Ronnie Reagan

49:40 - end
A Radio Free Eireann exclusive interview with Ronnie Reagan from his coffin in California. He freely talks about the killing of nuns and priests in central America, great Irish patriots like Fr. Coughlin and Senator McCarthy. He also takes phone calls from a grateful Radio Free Eireann audience.













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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent


All censorships exist to prevent any one from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships.
- George Bernard Shaw

Index: Current Articles

13 June 2004

Other Articles From This Issue:

An Open Letter to the Leadership of the Irish Republican Army
Paul Fitzsimmons

Fred Wilcox

Something rotten at the core of US body politic
Mick Hall

Father Mc Manus Replies to Mrs. O'Loan, Urges Proof in Abundance
Father Sean Mc Manus

The Armed Peace
Anthony McIntyre

An Irish Wake for Ronnie Reagan
Radio Free Eireann

Gareth McConnell

Venezuela: terrorist snipers, their media allies and defence of democracy
Toni Solo

11 June 2004

US Nationwide Irish American Group Holds 2004 Convention in Belfast
Sean Mc Aughey

The Chen Case @ the European Court of Justice - Money Talks and a Government Lies
John Meehan

A Left Vote for the Right Person
Anthony McIntyre

John Martin

Response to:
"Irish Americans"

Peter Urban

Sri Lanka: up country with the Tamil Tigers
Cedric Gouverneur

The Letters page has been updated.


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