The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

Towards a Republican Agenda for Scotland

Towards a Republican Agenda for Scotland
Sat July 10, 7pm
Shuna Island Social & Recreation Centre
21-23 Shuna Place, Ruchill, Glasgow

Seamus Reader • 2 July 2004

Republicanism means many things to many people. What does it mean for Scotland?

In the myriad of debate and discussion on the question of independence, the issue of republicanism is usually ignored. The media and establishment in Scotland would rather discuss and denigrate the vague concept of an independent Scotland. It is far more instructive to discuss the type of independence that activists want to see - republicanism is crucial to this discussion.

In recent times Scottish republicanism raised its fist during the sham oath of allegiance to the Crown at the swearing in of MSPs. All Socialist MSPs made some form of protest - be it Tommy Sheridan’s clenched fist and call for a Scottish socialist republic to Rosie Kane’s open palmed oath to the people in recognition that sovereignty in Scotland resides with the people not the crown in parliament (as at Westminster.)

Yet this is no new concept to Scotland. Progressive and radical movements - be they socialist or nationalist - have a long history of republicanism. From the United Scotsmen in the 1790’s to the 1820 rising for a republic, the men and women of the People’s Charter, the Highland Land League and the Red Clyde and Red Fife. Their struggles inspire today’s struggle for what James Maxton called the "Scottish socialist commonwealth."

To this end the Scottish Republican Socialist Movement (SRSM) will be hosting an opening night and social (scoriach) at our new premises in 21/23 Shuna Place, Ruchill, Glasgow at 7 p.m. on Saturday 10 July. Come along and hear the case in word and song for a republican Scotland.

"Nae Liz the wan, nae Lillibet the twa’
Nae Liz will ever dae!
For we’ll mak oor land republican in a Scottish breakaway."
(Morris Blythman)

Towards a Republican Agenda for Scotland
Sat July 10, 7pm
Shuna Island Social & Recreation Centre
21-23 Shuna Place, Ruchill, Glasgow

Tommy Sheridan MSP
Rosie Kane MSP
Lloyd Quinan
Bill Kidd
Gerry Cairns
Stephen Coyle
Eric Canning * (tbc)

Live Entertainment inc:
Gerry MacGregor *
Whisky Devils

Bar/Buffet & more, much more

Tickets £5, available now from Shuna Island.

All Messages of Solidarity welcome


• From Maryhill Road turn up Ruchill St (right turn from city centre, left turn from west) nr MacDonalds, over canal bridge, first left, then first left again into Shuna Place.
• From north Bilsland Drive- Ruchill St - Shuna St -

• 89 - to Shuna Street from Castle St/ Royal Infirmary
• 54 - to Bilsland Drive
• 8, 10, 18, 40, 61, 109, 119 - Maryhill Rd


• Trains every 30 mins from Glasgow Queen St to Maryhill Station. Then 20 min walk along Maryhill Rd, towards city centre

for more details contact, or visit




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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent


All censorships exist to prevent any one from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships.
- George Bernard Shaw

Index: Current Articles

5 July 2004

Other Articles From This Issue:

Can You Hear Ho Chi Minh Laughing?
Eoghan O’Suilleabhain

The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia
David Adams

On Whose Side: Stakeknife
Mick Hall

Dogs and Lampposts
Anthony McIntyre

Towards a Republican Agenda for Scotland
Seamus Reader

30 June 2004

Flying the Flag
Dolours Price

The Police Process
Anthony McIntyre

Former IRA Prisoner Left "High and Dry"
Sean Mc Aughey

James Connolly and the Reconquest of Ireland
Liam O Ruairc

Venezuela 2004: Nicaragua's Contra War Revisited
Toni Solo


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