The Blanket

Remember the Dishonour

Davy Carlin

I read with interest various editorials in relation to the recent Mayoral wreath laying at the Somme Commemoration ceremony. Much of it similarly stated the ground breaking initiative of a Republican mayor honouring the War dead, and reaching out the hand of friendship, while others were a little less forthcoming. Yet very little space was afforded to the real reasoning of that war. While many, many working class dead were being 'honoured' I would ask is it honourable to be sent to your death by those who cared nothing for your life?

Many raised the argument, why was the republican Mayor honouring at a British monument while after years of torture and murder republicans and nationalists were still presently being attacked by the same establishment which sent these men to their deaths. While some editorials argued for inclusiveness in death as in life others talked of the 'naive' young men who thought they were fighting a Nationalist cause. In effect many different but partly consensual arguments were put to attempt to direct the attention one

Whatever way this is dressed up it was but a war of imperialism where many lives were lost solely for that interest. Whether whipped up under the banner of Nationalism or Imperialism it was the working people who were the cannon fodder, it was they who gave so much and gained so little. Yet it was the ruling classes who used various flags from the safety of their castles to inflict the misery and bloodshed on millions for the interest of their class and imperialism.

As I flicked through the editorials and scanned through the papers at the Lord Mayors attempted embracing of 'both sides' by honouring the dead, I found it difficult to find a mention of that war of imperialism which sent these men to their deaths, within the papers or from those '''socialists''' who took part in or witnessed the event. To honour the dead of such a war without mentioning the reason of its cause is but to dishonour the memory of those dead. To attempt to open the hand of friendship while with the other embracing the revisionism of that war of imperialism distort that memory. To speak of 'naive' nationalists going to war rather than an war of imperialism lends support to that ruling interest.

The whole scenario has been about remembrance solely of the dead. It may be seen in republicans eyes beneficial for the Republican Lord Mayor of Belfast to be seen to remember many British dead. Yet I would say it was far more beneficial for the British for a Republican Mayor to not only remember the dead but forget to mention the cause of their death. In case some for whatever reason may have forgotten, it was simply, British Imperialism.





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The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Index: Current Articles

7 July 2002


Other Articles From This Issue:


It Was Our First World War Too, You know

Anthony McIntyre


No To Isolation

Trade And Employees' Unions and TMMOB


The Orange Relic
Sean O Lubaigh

Remember the Dishonour

Davy Carlin

Danny Myers


4 July 2002


Is Class Politics a Possibility?

Billy Mitchell


What Values Drive Irish Republicanism Today?
Paul Fitzsimmons

Ministers of Silly Words

Anthony McIntyre

Has the Peace Process Delivered?
Davy Carlin




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