Just recently, four books have been
published that attempt to deal with the nature of
the complex relationships between international law
and politics, especially concerning the transnational
threat and use of force: Reisman & Willard, International
Incidents: The Law That Counts in World Politics
(1988); Boyle, The Future of International Law
and American Foreign Policy (1989); The Council
on Foreign Relations, Right V. Might: International
Law and the Use of Force (1989); and now David
Forsythe's masterful The Politics of International
Law: U.S. Foreign Policy Reconsidered (1990).
The publication of these four volumes at this particular
moment in time can be attributable in part to the
reigning attitude of international legal nihilism
that the world witnessed in Washington, D.C. during
the eight year tenure of the Reagan administration.
In direct reaction thereto, from one perspective or
another, all of the individuals and institutions involved
in the production of these books felt some compelling
need to reestablish the basic proposition that international
law is relevant, if not critical, to the conduct of
American foreign policy, especially concerning the
threat and use of force. For that reason, all of these
books are important because each contributes to the
hitherto sparse and spotty literature in this field.1
Since I have already reviewed Reisman
& Willard for the American Journal of International
Law, I will not bother to repeat that analysis here.2
In my book, The Future of International Law and American
Policy, I attempted to critique the legal and intellectual
foundations of the so-called Reagan Doctrine as well
as the various manifestations of Reaganism that were
produced around the world and at home: its war against
international terrorism; its support for the Israeli
invasion of Lebanon in 1982; its opposition to the
right of the Palestinian people to self-determination
and an independent state of their own; its repeatedly
aggressive policies against Libya; its buildup of
chemical and biological warfare capabilities; its
nuclear deterrence doctrines; the Strategic Defense
Initiative, etc. So, when David Forsythe kindly asked
me to write a Postscript to this book, I was quite
pleased to discover that he had been working completely
independently of me in the same general directions.
To be sure, Professor Forsythe analyzed a different
mix of problems produced by Reaganism than I had.
But what seems remarkable is the consistency of the
approaches taken independently by him and me with
respect to criticizing various components of the Reagan
administration's foreign policy--both in theory and
in practice--from an international law perspective.
As Professor Forsythe noted toward the start of this
book, elsewhere I have argued that the current way
in which most public international law professors
teach international law has become pretty irrelevant
to the major problems of contemporary international
relations. We really have not had a textbook or casebook
that systematically analyzes the major problems of
contemporary international relations from a truly
international law perspective that endeavors to take
into account the diversity of viewpoints on these
subjects held by the different states and peoples
of the world community. International law professors
must take this great body of black-letter rules that
has been handed down to us by our forebearers and
attempt to make sense of them by applying them to,
and testing them by, current problems of international
relations. Only in this fashion will our profession
continue to maintain some degree of relevance to the
contemporary debate over the proper conduct of American
foreign policy toward the start of the third millennium.
International law is thoroughly and completely grounded
in fact and it is almost impossible to reach proper
conclusions about what the rules of international
law are or should be without an analysis of the actual
facts involved. For this reason, careful attention
must be paid to the pathbreaking effort undertaken
by Professor Forsythe in this book. Here the author
attempts to teach principles of international law
within the context of analyzing actual real-world
cases, crises, and problems. In my opinion, that is
the only way we can make substantial progress toward
understanding the subtleties of international relations
and the role that international law and organizations
do and can play in the international system. Professor
Forsythe has performed a great service for the international
legal studies profession by attempting to explore
these interrelationships in this book.
Professor Forsythe's introductory chapter is quite
correct to point out the complexities of the interplay
among the President, Congress, and the Courts with
respect to the formulation of American foreign policy.
The rational-actor model postulated by the political
realists completely breaks down when it comes to explaining
the manner in which American foreign policy is actually
made and conducted under our constitutionally mandated
system of separation of powers. The United States
of America speaks and acts with many voices on foreign
affairs. In my professional opinion, that is all for
the better--despite the hallowed teachings of the
political realists to the contrary.
After all, America is supposed to be a constitutional
democracy with a commitment to the Rule of Law both
at home and abroad. If the executive branch of the
federal government decides to embark upon a course
of egregiously lawless behavior abroad, then it is
a testament to the strength and resilience of American
democracy that Congress, the Courts, and the American
People refuse to go along with it. Forsythe's book
clearly demonstrates that dynamic in a manner that
has not been appreciated by most of the self-styled
"realist" or "neorealist" analysts
of American foreign policy. To be sure, it was a tribute
to the genius of the late Hans Morgenthau that he
alone was perhaps the only archetypal political realist
who had a profound appreciation of, and deep respect
for, the American democratic system of constitutional
The only point I might add to Forsythe's
excellent introduction to his subject is the power
of international law in the estimation of the American
People. Based upon my extensive experience working
at the grassroots level around the country for the
past twelve years, I am convinced that international
law arguments oftentimes exert a decisive impact upon
the way the American People come to perceive events
unfolding abroad in a manner that is quite different
from the deceptive way their realpolitik leaders have
usually presented the situation to them. There is
an enormous potential for proselytizing international
law at the grassroots level of America that must be
further exploited. Only then will more American People
proceed to vigorously demand that all branches of
their federal government, and especially the President,
become respectful of the Rule of Law abroad as well
as at home.
As far as most U.S. citizens are concerned, invoking
the Rule of Law is as paradigmatically American as
God, Motherhood, Apple Pie and the Eagle Scouts. Most
American citizens have suckled law since they were
weaned from their mother's breast. It is high time
for U.S. international law teachers to tap directly
into this powerful psychic reservoir of respect for
law that is so uniquely and almost obsessively characteristic
of the American People. Professor Forsythe's book
provides us with the means whereby this task can be
Forsythe's treatment of the Reagan administration's
so-called reinterpretation of the ABM Treaty is far
superior to the cursory examination of this subject
that I presented in chapter 10 of my book. Forsythe
documents the entire disreputable affair in painstaking
detail. The value of Forsythe's analysis is that he
demonstrates the strength of international law in
the United States domestic political process when
Congress adamantly refused to accept the Reagan administration's
reinterpretation of the ABM Treaty out of existence.
In this chapter, Forsythe also proves the critical
relevance of international law to the conduct of American
foreign policy on a matter of "high" international
politics that affects the most vital national security
interests of the United States. He thus convincingly
refutes the confusingly descriptive/prescriptive arguments
made by both the political realists and the Reaganites
to the effect that considerations of international
law do not and should not have anything to do with
such issues concerning raison d'itat. His analysis
also establishes the validity of the proposition that
an American foreign affairs analyst cannot even begin
to comprehend the rudiments of U.S. foreign policy
decision-making processes without possessing at least
a sound working knowledge of international law.
For what they were worth, I have
already offered my own thoughts on the illegality
of the Reagan administration's war against Nicaragua
in chapter 5 of my book, Defending Civil Resistance
Under International Law (1987). Here Forsythe does
a first-rate job in demonstrating the interaction
between international law and the congressional debate
over U.S. funding for the contras. Because America
is a constitutional democracy with a commitment to
the Rule of Law, it proved to be exceedingly difficult
for the Reagan administration to sustain its illegal
war against the people of Nicaragua over the strenuous
efforts of an organized domestic opposition that invoked
the rule of international law and domestic law to
their cause.
The Reagan administration's covert war against Nicaragua
was generally said to have been the classic exemplar
of the self-styled Reagan Doctrine of supporting anti-communist
guerrilla movements around the world. Perhaps the
best explanation and defense of the Reagan Doctrine
can be found in the contribution to the aforementioned
Right V. Might: International Law and the Use of Force
that was made by Reagan's first Ambassador to the
United Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick and her legal adviser
Allan Gerson, entitled "The Reagan Doctrine,
Human Rights and International Law." Here Kirkpatrick
and Gerson quite correctly (though perhaps unwittingly)
pointed out that on May 5, 1985 Reagan took the opportunity
to publicly announce his so-called doctrine at Bitburg,
West Germany (p. 22). There Reagan laid a memorial
wreath at a cemetery that he knew contained the remains
of dead Nazi Waffen SS stormtroopers despite the vigorous
protestations of the justifiably outraged American
Jewish community and U.S. veterans organizations,
among others. As I argued in a general debate with
none other than Gerson himself, inter alia, before
the annual convention of the American Society of International
Law held shortly beforehand in New York City on April
It is the Reagan administration's Machiavellian approach
to foreign affairs that sponsored the Israeli invasion
of Lebanon. It is the Reagan administration that brought
you the United States invasion of Grenada. It was
the Reagan administration that brought you the U.S.
invasion of Nicaragua, which still goes on today.
It is the Reagan administration's policy of constructive
engagement that has encouraged the South African invasion
of Angola. It is the Reagan administration which has
launched an all-out vicious assault on the integrity
of the International Court of Justice. And it is now
the Reagan administration that is going to be paying
tribute to 39 SS soldiers at a cemetery in West Germany.
I think nothing could be a more eloquent and symbolic
statement of what motivates the foreign policy of
this administration than that act.
Due to the gravity of the moral, legal and political
issues at stake, it becomes critical for the reader
to seriously study David Forsythe's definitive repudiation
of the supposed legal basis for the Reagan Doctrine.
Both in this chapter and in the next one on the Reagan
administration's invasion of Grenada, Forsythe's analysis
vigorously reaffirms the integrity and the utility
of the traditional interpretation and approach to
international law concerning the threat and use of
force that has been historically espoused by the United
States government since the foundation of the United
Nations Organization in 1945. By contrast, when it
came to foreign affairs and defense policies, the
Reagan administration advocated nothing more sophisticated
than an across-the-board anti-communist crusade to
form the overall basis for the conduct of American
foreign policy. The Reagan administration's illegal
invasion of Grenada was yet another case in point.
As Professor Forsythe demonstrates, Grenada was the
paradigmatic example of how much naked power the United
States President really has, and how little influence
Congress, the Courts, and the American People ultimately
wield when the President decides to use military force.
So much for the argument put forth by many political
scientists and international lawyers that the President
has been unduly burdened by legal restrictions imposed
upon him by Congress in the area of foreign affairs
and defense policies. When a President is determined
to use military force, there is little that anyone
can do to stop him. Reagan's illegal bombings of Tripoli
and Benghazi in 1986 are yet another example of the
validity of this proposition.
Those who have argued that the President has been
somehow "fettered" by the Rule of Law with
respect to the conduct of foreign affairs are either
generally ignorant of, or else purposely dissembling
over, the fact that under the Constitution, treaties,
statutes, and relevant Supreme Court and Courts of
Appeal decisions, the President of the United States
of America is the most powerful person in the world.
The President has the political initiative to do whatever
he wants in the area of foreign affairs and defense
policies, and there is little that Congress, let alone
the Courts, can do to stop him in the short term.5
Witness Nicaragua and Vietnam where it took many long
years and much hard work by the American People and
Congress to finally terminate these clearly illegal
By comparison, Grenada was a classic
case where the President was able to act expeditiously
and unilaterally to accomplish his realpolitik objectives
before Congress could respond and despite the fact
that such action clearly violated international law
and U.S. statutory restrictions on the books that
the President paid no attention to whatsoever (e.g.,
the War Powers Resolution). Professor Forsythe's analysis
of the Reagan administration's invasion of Grenada
shows that our much-vaunted constitutional system
of separation of powers under the rule of law can
be easily circumvented or overthrown by a headstrong
and belligerent president in the heat of an immediate
crisis (even when that crisis has been manufactured
by the president himself). Professor Forsythe also
demonstrates the inherent dangers of the American
rally-round-the-flag phenomenon that is so prevalent
during times of real or self-induced international
The American people must somehow come to grips with
this phenomenon before it overwhelms us in yet another
Tonkin-Gulf-Resolution/Vietnam-War scenario. The War
Powers Resolution was originally intended to solve
this problem. But a long line of abusive and usurpatory
presidents - both Democrats and Republicans - have
negated this supreme law of the law on the bogus grounds
that the act is said to be unconstitutional.
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of the U.S. Constitution
emphatically states: "The Congress shall have
Power . . . to declare War . . ." (Emphasis added.)
Nevertheless, an entire series of imperial presidents
have reinterpreted out of existence this critical
protection for the American Republic against an unjust,
unwise, or precipitous war. The framers of our Constitution
decided for good cause to lodge the awesome power
to resort to warfare only in the hands of the representatives
of the entire populace by requiring both houses of
Congress to act together. Two hundred years later,
however, today's monarchical presidents - like George
III before them - contemptuously assert that they
are above the law as well as above the American social
contract founded by the U.S. Constitution. Unfortunately
a number of our court decisions have deferred to this
line of argument, as Forsythe shows. It is high time
for the American people to declare their independence
from the tyranny of an imperial presidency.
As Professor Forsythe demonstrates with respect to
the Reagan administration's belligerent policies toward
- especially - Grenada (and I would add toward Nicaragua,
El Salvador, and Haiti), perhaps it is sometimes true
that in today's world, the strong do what they will
and the weak suffer what they must. The sophistic
teaching that "might makes right" is a great
self-legitimizing philosophy for the strong - but
what about the weak? Their hopes and expectations
are dependent upon the strength and the integrity
of the international legal order.
As Thucydides dramatically portrayed in his book,
the Athenian democracy's adherence to the philosophy
of realpolitik was ultimately responsible for the
outbreak of the Peloponnesian War and eventually the
defeat of Athens at the hands of authoritarian Sparta.
Today, like Athens before it, blinded by hubris, the
U.S. Executive might very well lead the civilized
world into another cataclysm. Only this time, there
will be no Philip of Macedon around to pick up the
radioactive pieces.
My cursory viewpoints on the Reagan administration's
callous policies toward Central American refugees
can be found on pages 189 to 197 of Defending Civil
Resistance Under International Law. The Reagan administration
illegally intervened into the civil war in El Salvador
by providing enormous amounts of military and economic
assistance to a brutal military dictatorship that
used that assistance to perpetrate a gross and consistent
pattern of violations of basic human rights of the
people of that country, thus creating an enormous
number of refugees fleeing in fear for their lives.
Nevertheless, the Reagan administration took the position
that these individuals were generally not entitled
to qualify as refugees, and thus for political asylum,
because they were alleged to be in the United States
primarily for economic reasons. On its face this claim
was at odds with the obvious facts of a prolonged
civil war in El Salvador, as well as the brutal genocide
practiced against the indigenous people of Guatemala
by their government. The Reagan administration's disingenuous
position on these matters constituted a clear-cut
violation of its obligations under both the U.S. Refugee
Act of 1980 and the 1967 U.N. Protocol to the Refugee
As Professor Forsythe shows, the reason the Reagan
administration denied reality in these cases was that
to have acted otherwise, by determining that such
refugees were entitled to asylum, would have constituted
tacit recognition of the violations of fundamental
human rights being perpetrated every day by the military
dictatorships that were and still are ruling El Salvador
and Guatemala. This in turn would have undercut the
psuedo-legitimacy of the democratic facades of the
Duarte and Cristiani governments in El Salvador and
the Cerezo government in Guatemala in the perceptions
of both American public opinion and the international
community. Furthermore, in the event foreign governments,
such as those in El Salvador and Guatemala, are found
to be engaging in a gross and consistent pattern of
violations of the fundamental human rights of their
own citizens, a number of U.S. statutes should be
triggered that would mandate the cut-off of various
forms of U.S. military and economic assistance.
The Reagan administration sought to forestall that
day by denying these legitimate refugees their recognized
right to asylum under both U.S. domestic law and international
law, and indeed continued to deport refugees back
to Central American even in the face of mounting evidence
that many suffered persecution, torture, and death
upon their return. The Reagan administration sacrificed
the lives of these human beings in the name of its
own determination of U.S. national security interests
despite the rules of international and U.S. domestic
Professor Forsythe patiently takes the reader through
all the legalistic lies, distortions, and half-truths
put forth by various members of the Reagan administration
in order to justify their inhumane policies. He concludes
that chapter by correctly observing the highly deleterious
impact these policies might exert upon the future
peace and stability of the Western Hemisphere in particular,
and the cause of world order in general. This latter
topic is then taken up and pursued at greater length
in the chapter dealing with the financial crisis at
the United Nations, which was produced by the Reagan
administration's decision to withhold the United States'
legally obligated assessments.
In my opinion, the entire crisis over the nonpayment
of U.S. assessments to the United Nations resulted
from the Reagan administration's willingness to paralyze
that organization. The Reaganites seemed to see the
U.N. as some sort of international conspiracy of Third
World and communist states that was vaguely directed
against the national security interests of the United
States. The Reagan administration's comprehensive
attack upon the integrity of the United Nations organization
as well as its affiliated organs and institutions
represented a serious setback to the long-term cause
of world order, and to the immediate demands of maintaining
international peace and security. Here Professor Forsythe
performs an excellent service by reporting the arguments
and actions of the administration and also the Congress
to justify U.S. withholding of its legally obligated
assessments from the United Nations and its affiliated
Quite obviously, it would taken an entire book to
refute their collective criticisms of the United Nations
Organization. Until that book is produced, however,
I would recommend The United Nations and the Maintenance
of International Peace and Security (1987), which
was published under the auspices of the United Nations
Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). In response
to the anti-U.N. onslaught launched by the Reaganites,
UNITAR and the School of International and Public
Affairs at Columbia University organized a joint conference
on "the United Nations and the Maintenance of
International Peace and Security: A Retrospective
and Prospective View," held in September 1986.
This UNITAR book contains the background papers prepared
for that conference. Topics included the peaceful
settlement of disputes, peace-keeping, outlawing the
use of force, the International Court of Justice,
the office of the secretary-general, disarmament,
arms control, nuclear proliferation, and international
For readers of Forsythe's book, the most important
contribution to the UNITAR volume was the introductory
chapter by Ernst Haas - a virtuoso survey of the actual
record of the United Nations organization's successful
management of international conflict during the first
forty years of its existence. Haas's research was
a powerful antidote to the polemical attacks against
the U.N. mounted by the Reagan administration and
its supporters located throughout the academic world
and in the mainstream news media. Because of the general
prevalence of these later criticisms in public discourse,
I believe it is important to reproduce Haas's summary
of conclusions here:
. . . .
Perhaps the most important lesson to be learned from
analyzing Haas's meticulous study is that the United
Nations will become even more effective at the task
of maintaining international peace and security to
the extent that it has the active support of the U.S.
Now that the Bush administration has come into power
and somewhat returned - at least in relative terms
- to the traditional American support for international
law and organizations, we are experiencing for the
first time in forty-five years, support from both
superpowers - at least in principle - of the United
Nations and its international regime. It is incontestable
that Mikhail Gorbachev has launched a foreign policy
with a central component being to strengthen the international
regime concerning the threat and use of force that
is found in the United Nations Charter. In significant
part, Gorbachev was spurred into action by the curious
spectacle of the Reagan administration striving to
undermine this very regime - which the United States
had created after the end of World War II in order
to serve its own interests - the declining hegemon
seeking to devour its own children. Once it became
clear that the overall objective of the Reagan administration
was to bypass or undercut the United Nations regime,
the Soviet Union was compelled to recognize its stake
in the effectiveness of the United Nations, and thus
immediately acted to shore it up, using all its influence
and power as well as those of its allies and supporters.
Indeed, under Gorbachev and Bush it now seems that
the Soviet Union and the United States are attempting
to reach a formal understanding to reinforce and expand
the currently existing U.N. regime regulating the
threat and use of force. The successful completion
of that task will only serve the respective national
interests of both superpowers, no matter what disagreements
they might have inter se, and produce an international
political climate that is even more conducive to a
real international security regime (as that term has
been traditionally defined by international political
scientists) between them. In my opinion, this latter
objective is what Gorbachev is striving to accomplish
now. In any event, his initiative is certainly worth
U.S. reciprocation. Even from a realpolitik perspective,
that is the only reasonable alternative the United
States has in today's world of "existential deterrence."
Therefore, I would say that the United Nations regime
regulating the threat and use of force is alive and
well, and will remain so for the immediate future.
Witness the efflorescence of United Nations peace-keeping
operations or proposals for their development around
the world today: in the Middle East, the Persian Gulf,
Namibia, Angola, Central America, Cambodia, Afghanistan.
Extending this list in the future is the only way
most of these serious international conflicts possessing
systemically destabilizing tendencies can be effectively
dealt with. But as Professor Forsythe's analysis suggests,
none of these worthwhile goals can be achieved unless
and until the Bush administration repays the money
owed to the United Nations by the U.S. government,
and then stops making clearly illegal threats to withhold
America's lawfully obligated U.N. assessments in the
In his conclusion, Professor Forsythe does a superb
job summing up the political dynamics between international
law and the formulation of U.S. foreign policy. I
would add that the future of international law and
U.S. foreign policy is whatever the American people
want to make of it. Right now, international law is
alive and well in the United States of America. For
it resides in the hearts, hands, and minds of the
American people, and, as David Forsythe proves, even
those of some judges, legislators, bureaucrats, lobbyists,
think-tankers, professors, and self-styled experts
who inhabit Washington, D.C., and New York City.
We must all be grateful to Professor Forsythe for
elucidating the complicated dynamics of the interaction
between international law and U.S. foreign policy
in this incisive, well-written, and accessible study.
Both the strengths and weaknesses of international
law in American foreign policy decision-making processes
have been laid bare for all Americans to see. We must
ponder and wrestle with the conclusions. But above
all, we should give thanks for his insights, and for
his deep personal and professional commitments to
reestablishing the rule of law in the conduct of U.S.
foreign policy.