After reading the article GEM,
A Story of Global Exploitation and Misery, I felt
the urge to react to this.
of it is true, but the author, who was indeed fired
from GEM changed some facts.
myself am one of the people working for GEM in the
Dutch team which is the largest team and the only
team that stood up as a team when they thought GEM
was treating their employers in the wrong way. With
the author of the article I had a pretty good contact
in and outside of work. We talked quite a lot and
had some shared opinions about several things.
after [an altercation involving drink], the contact
I had with him got less active, but after he apologized
I was able to forgive him and hoped that things would
go better again.
When he got fired from GEM it was clear that it didn't.
He writes three reasons for this in his article, none
of them is the reason why he was fired. He was fired
for something that every company would fire people
for. A few days before he was actually fired he arrived
at work [in the view of management, allegedly under
the influence of alcohol]; he answered a few e-mails
from clients and left again without informing anyone.
I don't think there is a single company in the world
that would allow behaviour like that.
Another thing in the article that is not correct is
what he writes about the Finnish girl he writes about.
First of all, she was not fired, at first she said
she was, but that was more the shock of what had happened
to her than a fact, a few days later she talked to
another person from the Finnish team and told she
was actually not fired but just warned and told to
go home because it was her last day anyway.
course this is a sad thing too, if you receive a link
from a colleague and by clicking on it your last day
at the job gets ended without a proper chance to say
goodbye to the people you have been working with.
I first heared the girl was fired I was shocked, because
it was me who sent the link to someone else from the
Finnish team and he forwarded it to her. The person
who saw her open the link thought the Gem website
was hacked, that person did not realize it was an
image from another site that was going over the Gem
website as a joke. The procedure would probably have
been different if that person knew something more
about internet. When I heared a few days later that
she was not actually fired it felt a bit as a relief,
but I also felt a bit of anger against her for telling
that she was fired. Now I can live with it because
I can also understand that after what did happen it
feels almost the same as being fired, and at that
moment you are not able to think about what a big
difference there still is.
Because these two incorrect things in the story this
story are quite important ones in the point that Morten
wants to make the story is more fiction than fact
and is misplaced in The Blanket.
Kind regards,
Pascal Stil
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