Republican Prisoners Support Network is an independent,
non-aligned group of former Republican prisoners,
relatives and concerned individuals who campaign for
the immediate segregation of Republican prisoners,
both sentenced and on remand.
welcome the Steele Review's recommendation of full
segregation/separation of Republican and Loyalist
prisoners within Maghaberry, but back the prisoners
prolongation of dirty protest until segregation is
effectively implemented. We fully understand that
the prisoners do not want to allow themselves to be
betrayed by the British government like the 1980 hunger
strikers were.
Republican Prisoners Support Network is well aware
that segregation will not mean the end of the prison
issue. We are already worried by the fact that the
Northern Ireland Prison Service has warned prisoners
in a letter that their conditions of detention would
deteriorate in segregated wings.
will be monitoring the prisoners' plight closely.
The battle for political status goes on.
the Republican Prisoners Support Network,
MARTIN (chairman)
Eddie DUFFY (vice-chairman)
Liam O RUAIRC (press officer)
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