post election fall out demonstrates clearly that the
agreement is fundamentally flawed in that the issue
of sovereignty was not negotiable or dealt with in
negotiations. This highlights that the position of
the 32 County Sovereignty Movement was indeed correct
and that international arbitration through the United
Nations is the only peaceful alternative to an intransigent
British Government who continue to deny the Irish
people their sovereignty.
people in the occupied territory set out their stall,
nationalists recording their frustrations at the refusal
of the British Government to relinquish their illegal
sovereign claim here and the unionist community fighting
their corner demanding that the union with Britain
is sacrosanct.
reality is no agreement can square this circle. There
is no meeting of minds in this situation. What the
Good Friday Agreement did was to reiterate the British
Governments position that there would be no change
in their position until a majority in the illegal
entity of the six occupied counties allowed it. This
has always been their position to create the climate
of conflict between the Protestant and Catholic communities
to disguise their illegal presence in Ireland.
election results show that the British Government
must stop fudging on complete decolonisation on the
island of Ireland to allow the Irish people develop
a system of governance that considers everyone as
equal citizens in a sovereign state.
call on the Sinn Fein leadership and the Dublin Government
to now move to the sensible position of defending
Irish national sovereignty. To challenge the British
government rather than pander to their illegal sovereign
claim and to uphold the Irish peoples right to nation
self- determination.
further call on them to remove the illegal barriers
to members of our movement, which will allow the 32
County Sovereignty Movement to address this challenge
at the UN. I reiterate our call to the UN to intervene
in this international matter and to uphold the fundamental
rights of the Irish people who have demanded peace
in our country time and time again.
on behalf of the National Executive Committee, 32
County Sovereignty Movement.
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