aims are:-
1. To establish a just society in Ireland based on
Catholic Social Principles.
2. To uphold and promote morality and the common good.
3. The restoration of the Irish Catholic Monarchy.
4. To support the restoration of the Tridentine Mass.
5. To encourage all aspects of Irish National Culture
and true Irish Separatist Traditions.
6. To help achieve Irish National Independence.
7. Increase the population of Ireland to ten million
8. To provide the Irish People with an independent
Irish National Currency.
are implacably opposed to:-
Separation of Church and State.
2. Modernism, Liberalism, and Naturalism.
3. Communism and Freemasonry.
4. Divorce, Abortion, Sterilization, Contraceptives
and Euthanasia.
5. Foreign ownership of Irish land and natural wealth,
which we believe should be distributed as widely as
possible among Irish nationals.
6. Foreign control of Ireland's industry, commerce
or trade unions and usury.
We favour a modern development of the medieval guilds.
7. Membership of the European Union in so far where
policies harmful to our best interests can be imposed
upon us.
8. Immigration of foreigners into Ireland.
(Genuine refugees will be admitted in conformity with
Catholic teaching and our national resources.)
We shall contest elections when and where we consider
this is appropriate.
Membership is open to Irish Nationals, 18 years of
age and upwards who agree with our aims, and who are
willing to work under our leadership to achieve them.
is our intention to organise on an all-Ireland basis.
No one has the moral right to make laws that conflict
with God's Laws. The end does not justify the use
of immoral means.
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