The Blanket

Nuff Said

Eoghan O'Suilleabhain

Just when Provisional Sinn Fein would have us believe we were on the road to a United Ireland because of their clever tactical GFA driving in 1998, along comes Tony Blair in 2002 to turn the car lights on this Republican cul-de-sac in an article entitled "Prime Minister sheds light on the details" (The Guardian Friday July 26, 2002 Page 12):

"Mr. Blair...said that unionists should accept they have gained from the Good Friday agreement. 'The idea that Unionists have gotten nothing from this is absurd,' he said as he reeled off a list of their gains. They were: securing Northern Ireland's place within the United Kingdom; placing Sinn Fein in a 'partitionist assembly'; all parties sitting in a power sharing executive; and persuading the Irish Republic to give up its territorial claim to Northern Ireland."

All of which is true enough but what Mr. Blair didn't say was that Irish Republicans got nothing from this deal save the limited right to co-administer devolved British Rule in colonially dependent Northern Ireland (which makes them no longer Republican by definition) and the false Alice in Wonderland promise of jam tomorrow but never jam today regarding Irish unity. Nor did Mr. Blair mention just how much money might have gone into off-shore bank accounts to persuade the corrupt Irish political elite to give up their claim to Northern Ireland or how he had once told the Irish electorate back in April-May 1998 that they had no other choice but to vote for the then named Belfast Agreement because said Blair then: "There was No Plan B (i.e. United Ireland)." And like drowning men reaching for a sword, the weak divided Irish Nation reached for Blair's sword with Bill Clinton's encouragement (because he needed Blair's British sword elsewhere). The fact that even Puerto Ricans get more choice than that from the US Congress every four years or so goes of course without any mention in the neo-colonial press in Ireland. God forbid Irish people discover other colonials getting a better deal.

Why some Guardian columnists though even bother to ponder this blank space named Blair is the real mystery. Like David Trimble, he is a riddle not worth solving. Any Labour Prime Minister who can so openly spurn the Labour Unions who brought him is in a word, however highbrow, scum. As the criminal career CIA Officer E. Howard Hunt said about Richard Nixon: "He is the darkness reaching out for the darkness." An apt description for most solipsistic politicians anywhere who have made an opportunistic career out of appearing to try to be all things to all people by saying this but doing that or by faking left but going right all the while upholding the dishonour of the status quo - their goal all along. The only way you can really get a handle on these politically sociopathic personality types is by focusing not so much on what they say but on what they do and don't do and by seeing the no-longer-needed friends and acquaintances left behind in their political career boat's wake. It is why all politics is lethal not local.

But since no one likes to dwell on a bad deal they made out of fear of having been played the fool, there is much market in the politics of denial which has many manifestations: i.e. There will be a United Ireland by 2016 (just after Texas merges back with Mexico); Support the Peace (read Pacification) Process; the Good (for who?) Friday Agreement (because we got feck all); It (British Occupation and Rule) doesn't really matter (that is why there is British Occupation and Rule); the Brits (who stay) want out of NI because it cost them too much money to stay (never a measure of disinterest anywhere else though); Britain has no strategic or selfish interest in Ireland (except for that NATO beach head called NI); People run from debating Sinn Fein (only when their shot at); Giving up our claim to NI will make Irish unity more likely (just like West Germany never giving up their claim to East Germany made German unity more likely); The IRA needs to give up the guns and disband (like the ANC didn't); and the (gerrymandered majority) minority Unionist veto is really just democratic consent (tell it to the black South Africans who never settled for a similar undemocratic white minority veto), etc.

Such politics is illusory! That is its value. It allows democratic governments and party elites to rule by fooling rather than by force. That's why so much corporate and government money is spent on public relations propaganda because words are cheap and lies at least temporarily effective. Which of course isn't to say they would never rule by force, hence Bloody Sunday and the killing of Joseph O'Connor, but as Mark Twain once said: "A lie will get half way around the world before truth gets its boots on." And the beauty here for all liars and thieves is in this lag time also known as the present.

It is why Bertie Ahern and Brian Cowen can say Nice II will not endanger Irish sovereignty even though the cheerleading mantra of the European Union has for some time now been "ever closer union" (i.e. less national sovereignty in exchange for more EU federalism). That lag time between their lies now and the truth later gives these over paid prevaricators the electoral currency they need to buy votes and manipulate the Irish population into handing over even more of our national sovereignty to the EU like Italians in WWII handing over their troops to the direction and control of the Greater Axis powers. Their game plan is weak Irish nation now, weaker European province later.

Even the fact that the original architects of the European Union envisioned a United States of Europe (as a way to prevent any further wars of destruction on the European continent) is discreetly marginalized these days in the pages and verse of official opinion. This is unfortunate because it is a good argument to make for historically warring countries like France and Germany to give up some of their national sovereignty in exchange for a regional peace and economic stability pact. But since not all countries in Europe have a history of warring with each other, this constant ever closer federally integrationist approach of the Pro-Nice II crowd is dubious and at best beguiling in heterogeneous Europe which can and will never be as homogenous as the United States given historical circumstances. European integration has its limits because you just cannot make American (federal) stew out of this con-federal EU tossed salad.

However, since European federalism, like American federalism, is propelled by the forces of wealth and power for their own ends (i.e. cheaper labour, newer markets, single currency, etc.), the marginalizing and de-emphasis in the media of the Anti-Nice Treaty argument (which likes the EU just as it is) will be brought into play by the usual trans-national corporate forces. They will fund the private for profit advertising media darkness just as was done to the Anti-GFA argument because the nationalism of smaller free market countries is a dirty word and is easily sold out by easy to buy elites who even when they don't believe their own lies are often times caught up in illusions of their own making. Case in point, how many times have you heard or read the following Pro Nice Treaty lie on TV or in the usual press: "We will be better able to influence the affairs of all of Europe once we are more securely subsumed into it"? Naturally, no one who says this can explain how this could be so. How can we, a weak divided country of under 4 million people on the periphery of Western Europe, become more influential in the EU with even lesser rights and powers than we have now? It is about as likely as the Irish talking the Brits out of Northern Ireland.

And if you really think a vote against Nice II is a vote against enlargement then what was the point of the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1998 which permitted the accession of five more Eastern European countries into the EU? Four years later and not even one part of that unanimously agreed to accession has materialized? Isn't that why Mr. Romano Prodi said the Irish vote against Nice wouldn't stop enlargement? The Treaty of Amsterdam is still in place and all countries in the EU support that enlargement and more. So who is really holding up enlargement? Answer: the major players of the EU (i.e. Germany, France, Spain, Italy and the UK) who don't want any of the smaller EU players like Ireland on an equal footing any more and don't want any of the other Eastern European states to be admitted with the status of equal partner. The major players want enlargement but on their contract of adhesion terms (i.e. the Treaty of Nice). So a vote against Nice II by Ireland will not stop enlargement, but it just might cob web the EU elitists for a while and for all of our own good.

The lies to be sure will be flowing back and forth as they already are in this up and coming Nice II referendum which is why it is imperative that we all try and support alternative media publications like The Blanket which like the Russian literary journal Syntaxis, launched in 1959 by Soviet Dissident Alexander Ginzburg, publishes the work of writers who have very little chance of appearing in the official press or even in Provisional Sinn Fein's An Phoblacht which of course never shies from debate with any one who disagrees with them disciplined party organ that it is. And if you believe that PSF lie, then you'll probably believe that there will be a United Ireland by 2016, but don't think for a moment that Ireland has nothing to lose and everything to gain by voting for Nice II because it indeed has much to lose and little to gain.

It's about the Nation stupid! And as long as we are members of this viable EU confederacy as it currently stands then we should continue to treat it as the international forum that it is more than it is anything else (so far) wherein everyone comes to the table with their own national self interests to bear. That is why the UK has not adopted the Euro as its currency and it is why the Danes can prohibit German nationals from owning land in Denmark. They all got their right to abrogate from various EU Treaties when it suited them so let's get ours. And forget about our dishonest government and media's specious guilt trip about how we could wreck it for others! Just vote no. Nuff said.




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A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular.
- Adlai Stevenson

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4 August 2002


Other Articles From This Issue:



Davy Carlin


Sectarians For Peace?
Sean Smyth


Nuff Said
Eoghan O'Suilleabhain


Saol Nua

Sean O'Lubaigh


Stake Knife Runs the Rafia
Brian Mór


The Death of Cú Chulainn
Brian Mór


SAS Stake Knife
Brian Mór


No Punishment Too Great

Anthony McIntyre


Foul Shots

Karen Cox


Insanity or Security?
John Chuckman


2 August 2002


A Scam In A Pint Glass

Anthony McIntyre


Meeting the Paramilitaries

Davy Carlin


The GFA's Failure to Deliver An Honest and Genuine Constitutional Settlement Keeps Northern Ireland Divided
Paul A. Fitzsimmons


Hold Firm
Niall Fennessy


Super Stake Knife
Brian Mór


Stake Knife Logo
Brian Mór


The Ethics of Revenge

Sam Bahour and Yitzhak Frankenthal


A Tale Told By An Idiot
John Chuckman




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