The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

The Legacy of Bobby Sands


Charles J. Murnick

'Twas the fifth of May in '81
The world lost Bobby Sands
And nine more Irish Patriots -
All sleep beneath the land.

Hughes, O'Hara, Hurson, Lynch,
McCreesh, McDonnell, McElwee
And lastly, Doherty and Devine
Accepted death's finality.

Caged in Filthy H-Block cells,
Sands led the hunger strike;
The Brits thought they'd the Irish cowed,
But they'd never seen the like.

Their British gaolers did declare
The strike it must be broke;
But Sands' comrades stood their ground -
A higher law they did invoke.

Sands and his comrades starved and died -
They sleep beneath the land;
But Blighty can't get rid of them
Despite their cruel commands.

For 'spite their cruel commands, me lads,
The folk made Sands their sworn M.P.;
The Brits can't hurt them anymore
They've won immortality.

No uniform or prison garb
Can hide a heart so brave
As Sands - he gave his own dear life
'stead of living as a slave.

On a street downtown in old Tehran,
A marker bears the name
Of Bobby Sands, who showed the world
That tyrants have no claim.

Though thugs and quislings may betray
The things he tried to do,
They will not long survive the game
While honesty rings true.











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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



All censorships exist to prevent any one from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships.
- George Bernard Shaw

Index: Current Articles

3 May 2004


Other Articles From This Issue:


A South American Verdict
Anthony McIntyre


A New Year for the Oldest Colony of the UK
Brian Mór


Politics in Command
Liam O Ruairc


Report Discredits U.S. Institute of Peace
Distorts truth and offends Irish-Americans

Sean Mc Manus, INC


Forensic Evidence 'Interfered with' in Case of Tyrone Men
J Sean Burns, IRPWA


Easter Commemoration Speech on behalf of the Republican Socialist Movement, Milltown Cemetery Belfast



The Legacy of Bobby Sands
Charles J. Murnick


29 April 2004


Pragmatic Politics
Liam O Ruairc


Hard Times
Brian Mór


Every Picture Tells A Story
Anthony McIntyre


Demonizing Will Backfire
Sean Mc Manus


Tangled Wed Which Stretches from the New Lodge to Iraq
Eamonn McCann


Glossary of the Iraqi Occupation

Paul de Rooij


The Letters page has been updated.




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The Blanket Magazine Winter 2002
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