The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

The Danger of Securocrats


Mick Hall • 24 January 2005

Over the last few years, whenever Sinn Fein's political elite have found themselves in difficult circumstances, often of their own making, they have time and again wheeled out the 'securocrats' to provide them with an alibi as to why they could not have been responsible for their unfortunate predicament. This excuse is beginning to wear a bit thin and not only for SF's normal opponents. To continuously blame these mysterious 'securocrats' for all the PRM's ills reminds one of those petty criminals, who, when asked by the Police where they came by the stolen property that filled their back-bedroom, replied, "I brought it off a man named Paddy in a Dublin pub."

Just as Old Bill reacts to the hood's reply with a wearisome look born of experience, many now do the same when Messrs Adams, McGuinness, Kelly and McLaughlin try the same trick with the 'securocrats' tag. The fact is for SF to continuously blame the 'securocrats' is well past its sell-by date. For this SF can only blame themselves, for they have had every opportunity to explain to us who exactly these people are. The word implies they are a very powerful group of individuals who are employed in the Northern Ireland Office and the British Security Services. I say powerful as, according to SF, they have managed to bring the northern Government down and with their latest exploits have all but railroaded the GFA.

Now, as the British security service, according to SF officials themselves, were the main conduit for SF to first make and then maintain contact with the British Government in the early days of the Peace Process, we can only assume that this organisation supported the Peace Process. If so, are we now to assume that they, or at least a slice of SIS, have gone native and are acting against the central strategy of both the NIO and the SIS leadership in London, and that these people have co-conspirators within the NIO? If so, it seems we are being led to believe what you have is a group of renegade civil servants acting against the interest of their own government with impunity. Plus, they are in such senior positions they are also able to manipulate sections of the Guards/PSNI, plus the media, and all but dictate the public Statements of Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern.

The question I ask, is this likely? True, all massive bureaucracies have disgruntled elements and I'm sure the British civil service is no exception. British government departments like the NIO and the SIS have had moles in the past. The Cambridge Five, for example, operated simultaneously in both the Foreign Office and Security and Intelligence Services (SIS); there have been many other individuals since them. However, all of them acted as moles burrowing away in various government departments whilst gleaning information and then passing it on to there Soviet masters or some other foreign power. In recent times there have also been the odd disgruntled individual, who due to political differences with government policy, did much the same thing, only they tipped the media off about certain issues and outrageous injustices.

The whole point about the securocrats, as described by SF, is they do not go about their work in comparative secret like the aforementioned moles, but by manipulating central governments, the police and media. Or so we are led to believe by SF central. In my opinion, this is something which would be almost impossible for them to do without their identity coming to the attention of their employers, the British Government. If one accepts this SF hypothesis, then by the British Government's refusal to bring these 'securocrat' conspirators to account, logically one would also have to concede that the Blair government is party to this conspiracy. Which, incidentally, is something even SF has failed to suggest. Thus by not doing so, surely they have reduced the whole 'securocrats' allegations to a house of cards? For if these Governments (I include Ahern's in the south) had decided to concoct an excuse to cut SF adrift, why after the break in at Castlereagh, did they then bring them back onside and why in all probability will they do the same in the near future despite the Northern Bank robbery?

However, by suggesting these securocrats are a rogue element within SIS and the NIO who can go about their business without fear of exposure, Sinn Fein may well be treading a very dangerous path indeed. The whole basis of the demand for a public enquiry into collusion by the British State with loyalist paramilitaries, plus strategically placed PIRA volunteers such as Freddie Scappaticci is that this collusion was not a matter of a small number of British intelligence operatives overstepping the line without the knowledge of their superiors, but it was part and parcel of British strategy within the north of Ireland, which had been agreed upon at the highest level of the British State. For SF now to continuously harp on in the manner they do about securocrats, surely allows the British government an ever open door to deny these charges of collusion and put the blame on unnamed rogue elements, who at the time such collusion was taking place, not only acted outside of their control, but it now appears (they could claim), according to even SF, had their own political agenda which was contrary to that of the UK government. Indeed SF has all but provided an alibi for the UK government to place the whole blame for the north's misfortunes on the out of control securocrats. If they were to do so, how could SF counter their argument after their years of touting that such a group exists?




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All censorships exist to prevent any one from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships.
- George Bernard Shaw

Index: Current Articles

25 January 2005

Other Articles From This Issue:

The Danger of Securocrats
Mick Hall

Criminality Accepted as the Norm
Davy Adams

The Rapture
Brian Mór

Bertie Talking Bollix
Anthony McIntyre

Pact Impact
Dr John Coulter

Holocaust Revisited
Anthony McIntyre

22 January 2005

The End of the Road
Mick Hall

Reiss Pressed on Mark Thatcher Cautioned on Damage of Another Double Standard
Fr. Sean Mc Manus

Follow up on Saor Eire
Liam O Ruairc

Strong Resistance Felt at Bush's Second Inauguration
Christian Roselund, Patsy Crocker

An Old Friend from the Blanket
Anthony McIntyre



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