the trade union leadership have met the UDA and the
talks were quite forthright and up front. Yet one
of the main bones of contention was that there was
a perception that the trade unions only moved when
the Catholics were targeted and protestants seemed
to matter little. Firstly it should be welcomed that
the trade union movement after this recent murder
has attempted to show some leadership on this matter
and worked with others for an attempted resolution.
Yet for too long in the past they have at times remained
silent over such matters.
I would disagree though is on their call to end 'all
sectarianism', as to state this on its own is to make
a comparison between the volume of attacks on both
the Catholic and Protestant communities. Although
there are times when the loyalists have used attacks
on their community as an excuse for a direct response
to further escalate their attacks on the Nationalist
community, the simple fact is that the overwhelming
amount of attacks are against the Nationalist community.
UDA have been and are involved in a organized campaign
of intimidation and violence which has and can again
lead ultimately to murder upon the Nationalist community.
As the leadership of the trade union movement may
meet other such groupings they should take this on
board and acknowledge that although the loyalists
may use attacks on Protestants for intensification
it is the nationalist people bearing the overwhelming
brunt of such attacks.
the preparations are made for the rally on Friday
it should be said that many people would agree with
such a rally. However, for it to have possible speakers
and platforms from organizations and groups who are
in division over such matters as the flag and emblems
issue while in unity to cut and privatize our services,
to then preach about inclusiveness and prosperity
to the masses is a bit rich. Trade union activists
support their leaderships when they do take action
or when they do get involved in good initiatives but
it would be counterproductive both to the unions and
wider society if those who speak to us of peace and
unity press within their councils or organizations
for exclusion and division. People see this contradiction
and therefore may not see this rally, although a taken
initiative, as a serious step forward.
social and economic problems of deprivation, lack
of housing, funding, etc., all play a part in the
continuance of sectarianism. Yet while many of our
politicians voice concern or opposition over sectarianism
many in reality do little about it. The lack of vocal
opposition from the unionists over the campaign of
violence against Nationalists, the lack of addressing
the social and economic exclusiveness, and the reluctance
to attempt political stability because of selfish
political reasons are all part and parcel of our ongoing
should also be noted that while some cross community
support and action has been taken over the issue of
sectarianism by the council, their silence is deafening
in giving support for the council workers' reasonable
pay claim. There is no contradiction between both
these issues as in fact the recent strike showed how
Catholics and Protestants stood together for modest
economic demands, and previously before against sectarianism.
If they can offer the council support in their call
in standing firm against sectarianism, I wonder if
the council will stand firm with them in support of
their pay claim? If such a rally is to succeed it
cannot be ad-hoc and it will take more than leaders
voicing support for such action. It will also take
practical action and building from below as well as
the leaderships active role in building for it. I
see neither happening at the minute. Could it be because
within the rank and file that apart from the various
reasons stated above, working people who wish to stand
against sectarianism see the calls of support coming
from those who lend little support within their councils
for their economic struggles? Working class people
have and need to stand firm against sectarianism and
for political equality but while doing so need to
articulate their argument and maintain their stance
against economic inequality.
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