the Peace Process is in crisis. So what? We've heard
it all before and it has become a bore. Sabre rattling,
indignation and victimhood from the Sinners. And
the same from the Irish and British Governments.
But as a Republican it's the Sinners who really
get me. Have these people no shame, no principles
and no honesty? They led, or drove, the Republican
Movement down the road of constitutional politics
and now complain when their constitutional allies
have turned on them. You can't have it both ways,
a meeting last weekend in Co. Derry, Gerry Kelly
called for protests across the 6 counties, calling
it 'Democratic resistance'. Is Gerry having a laugh?
The Sinners led us down a cul de sac from which
the only escape is further humiliation and now they
want the people out on the streets protesting. Not
on your life, Gerry, or perhaps more importantly,
not on my life. Did you consult the people when
you embarked on your quest for respectability? Did
you inform the people as you negotiated behind their
backs? Did you ask the people what they thought
of you decommissioning the weapons entrusted to
you to prosecute a war? You did none of these things.
You lied and continue to lie. You tell us you have
a strategy but you do not tell us what it is. And
when things go wrong you blame it on "spooks,
spies and securocrats". Well, Gerry, those
are the very same people that you and your comrade
Martin began your negotiations with. You did not
begin your talks with politicians but with the "spooks"
from M16 so please don't tell us these are all bad
leadership of the Republican Movement has been in
place for a generation and have had control of this
Peace Process for over 15 years. Are we nearer a
Republic? Are we on the road to a Republic? In fact
we are farther away from that Republic, this stable
state, than ever. The leadership agreed to the Unionist
veto. They campaigned to have Articles 2 and 3 removed.
They negotiated away all the gains made by political
prisoners over many years. They are an abject failure
as Republicans. But not in a hundred years will
they ever see that. To paraphrase what used to be
said about an old jail friend of mine
they were a Mars bar, they'd eat themselves".
Gerry and Martin and Gerry Adams and Pat Doherty.
And the latest Oglachs, Catríona, Bairbre
and Mary Lou. If there is any street protesting
to be done in the coming weeks, get you out and
get protesting. Me and mine will be staying at home.