The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

Don't Join RUC/PSNI

Sean Matthews8.12.02

This new, re-packaged RUC fails to address the true nature of this military police force which continues to use plastic bullets and sectarian intimidation against the Nationalist people. It is controlled and directed by British secureocrats and bureaucrats including Special Branch, M15 and others in the defending of British Rule in Ireland. Recently, the partisan and Brtish nature of this police force was vividly illustrated in the raiding of Sinn Fein offices. It is still an instrument of Britain's counter-insurgency operations against the opponents of this failed State. Is there any wonder why the British Government is failing to implement so-called Patten Recomendations as this police force has a hidden British agenda and has a vested interest in the maintenance of the status-quo in Ireland. This police force was flawed from the start because Chris Patten was part of the British Political Establishment and it is undemocratic for the British to self-regulate itself. There has been over 400 sectarian attacks on Catholics including bombings, shootings and intimidation and YET there has hardly been anyone arrested or even charged! It still smells and acts like the RUC. Even if some Catholics join the British Police Force there will be no change because the old RIC was 100% Catholic and yet that was the eyes and ears of the British Military Establishment in Ireland. How can you allow your child to collaborate with the British Armed Forces of Occupation?

I constantly hear calls for a police force to protect communites but this one is different as it encourages and supports those who are engaged in anti-social behaviour by using them to spy on vulnerable Nationalist communities. These culprits are British paid calloboraters. The only police force that would be accountable to the whole population (impartial) and trustworthy, is a National One based on a set of human values including respect and justice. If we are going to make strides towards liberty, justice, peace and freedom for the Irish people we must all work together to shake off the oppressors and human rights abusers.
A police force that is recruited, trained and equipped by the British Government is a Colonial British Police Force.













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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



Start doing the things you think should be done, and start being what you think society should become. Do you believe in free speech? Then speak freely. Do you love the truth? Then tell it. Do you believe in an open society? Then act in the open. Do you believe in a decent and humane society? Then behave decently and humanely.
- Adam Michnik

Index: Current Articles

13 December 2002


Other Articles From This Issue:


Giving Political Leadership
Liam O Ruairc


The Truth About Turkey
Mags Glennon


Belfast Socialists, Capitalism and War
Davy Carlin


Don't Join the RUC/PSNI

Sean Matthews


The Untouchables
Anthony McIntyre


Chaos Theory: Stickies and Stones Break Bones
Eamon Lynch


8 December 2002


The British State Murder of Pearse Jordan
Anthony McIntyre


The Falls And Shankill March As One
Davy Carlin


Alternatives to the GFA?
Paul Fitzsimmons


Ted Honderich: A Philosopher in the Trenches
Paul de Rooji


Uri Davis and the Battle Against Israeli Apartheid
Anthony McIntyre


Palestinian Children In The Night
Sam Bahour


Solitary Confinement Kills
Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Cephesi




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