After asking us Can
You Hear Ho Chi Minh Laughing?, Eoghan Ó
Suilleabhain observes: Radical rejection in
the form of boycotts and a general refusal to engage
with the invader anywhere would have prevented further
factionalism and fostered a far better culture of
Irish independence than the usual Brit tit dependence
we are seeing now making 2016 no nearer than 3016.
I keep mulling over this point myself, as I wonder
how Irish republicans can further our cause by peaceable
methods. Always a magpie myself when rummaging through
others nests to feather my own mind, I run the
risk of stuffing my head with no idea, or only bird-brained
fluff, that I can call my own. Yet, I see no alternative
when it comes to keeping my perspectives open-ended
rather than plough a furrow of ideological tautology.
envision The Blanket as a forum where we can
meet and talk to each other. Ó Suilleabhains
assertion stimulates my own response. What it lacks
in originality it may gain in relevance. Advocating
a programme of mass resistance not through physical-force
but alternative action against constitutional compromise
appears rarely promoted within what Ive read
of contemporary republican ideology. Dominated by
militancy over the past three decades and defeated
when applying the civil-rights protests of the late
1960s, Irish strategies, as Eoghans remark implies,
appear to avoid radical rejection of the
invaders and their collaborationists. Such language,
indeed, smacks of the French resistance rather than
a society happy to shop at Tescos and participate
in the flood of goods from China, the EU, and the
rest of the WTO-dominated marketplace. If tanks arent
on the streets, then the invader vanishes, and the
threats recede, only exaggerated by a few anti-Strasbourg
fanatics, Green protesters in animal masks or anarchist
far, nothing new. Many republicans seek guidance from
the left and progressive thoughtthis legacy
has always sustained us. Being contrary, in my own
studies, I have often been intrigued by failed conservative
and ultra-nationalist collisions with republican thinking,
far less prominent within the movement. Do not blame
me as the messenger of what I report here. I often
play devils advocate to keep my own thinking
fresh. In the conversation afforded us by The Blanket,
I offer what Ive read to energise our debate.
in my own research into the far-right and its connections
with Irish political populism in the mid-20c, Ive
been surfing into far-off shallows on and off the
Net. Reading about fascism, in order to judge whether
this too-often misused term can be applied to Irish
factions around WWII, Ive encountered an intriguing
argument that may advance the radical rejection
application. Im not sure if stealing an idea
from a tainted source poisons the idea itself, but
Im presenting it to provoke. Dont flame
Holland, who split from the British National Front
in the 1980s, in a 1994 pamphlet on The Political
Soldier, falls into the predictable prejudices
of anti-semitism, anti-Zionism, Tridentine propaganda,
and the Third Positionist insistence, promoted by
a splinter group of self-styled revolutionary
nationalists in the 1990s, of a return to a
distributist ideal of wealth sharing that avoids capitalist
concentration and communist control. Distrust of bankers,
corporations, and multinationals meets disdain for
statist consolidation of wealth and its ensuing dominance
over liberty. This approach, after the collapse of
the Soviet bloc, lost one of its enemies and so relied
more upon the Russian rightist attacks on the godless
West and some of its adherents longed after dubious
models such as Qaddafi, Romanias Iron Guard
and Russian national bolshies. Their revival of the
Freemason bogeyman seems almost quaint; I pass masonic
temples that inevitably have signs for lease.
TP appears to have itself fragmented late 1990s over
the promotion of Catholicism; some entered the fascist
occult; some revived the thinking of GK meets AK Chesterton,
and some constructed national anarchism.
What intrigued me despite the repellent allies (axis?)
which the TP faction assembled was their use of how
massive rejection of the status quo could spark a
general refusal to engage with the invader anywhere.
It rejects the so-called free-market along with statist
sidesteps, as any salesman of a novel product to a
skeptical audience would advise, too direct an association
of the more unsavoury ideas of the Iron Guard with
the British audience he seeks to inspire. The Third
Position Handbook tells recruiters: the
conversion process takes time and subtlety; learn
when to move forwards, and when to remain stationary.
(27) In The Political Soldier, Holland
cites Welsh nationalists approvingly, urges those
with Celtic roots to learn their ancestral languages,
and disapproves of nationalists like the
IRA, the Stern Gang, ETA, and the right-wing dictators
of Latin America: If we proclaim that we love
our People and Culture, what possible role in Nationalist
politics can there be for methods that breed fear
or hatred? (17) They seek a devolved Britain,
a sort of Council of the North Atlantic, with Ireland
having a regional role in a co-operative entity run
by an elite cadre. The BNP, more recently, has a NI
page and a related Éire First siteboth
of which appear as neglected as the TP remnants
Final Conflict site judging from their paucity of
content and lack of cyber-revolutionary reaction.
Defiantly, despite current somnolence, a quote from
inspirational forebear, former MP Hilaire Belloc,
echoes in the 1997 Handbook: If democracy
could change anything, the government would ban it.
Beyond left or right!
the TP Handbook, most of all, the far-right
and fascist (I keep the two terms separate) shared
idealism based on spiritual rather than materialist
values distinguishes such factions from capitalist
or communist systems. The tenuous appeal to Christianity--or
its reactionary Catholic variant as preached by Justin
Barretts own Irish Cóir cell--brings
such movements into conflict with the secular mentality
shared by those who elevate profit over piety. (By
the way, in my investigations, twice in June I sought
contact from Barretts election site; twice I
received no reply.) TP might have counselled Barrett
not to bother. Neither voting nor bombing can change
what ails us: Just as electioneering presupposes
that Power lies in the hands of Parliament, so Terrorism
presupposes that Power lies in the hands of given
Individuals. This is a false premise. It continues:
What needs to be killed in the present System
is a mentality, not people. (16)
we can extract what might be plucked from this nest
and transplanted into a republican structure. The
Handbook explains that elections require direct
involvement within the System, and terrorism
direct confrontation. The ballot box and
the armalite. The contradictions between the two we
have all parsed over fifteen years and counting. In
both cases, the State is involved in the strategy
as a matter of necessity, and that necessity
is absolutely central. (17) TP urges
not central but peripheral, not necessary but
incidental involvement with the State; here
we find a model to apply to radical rejection.
Again, I ask if this tempting kernel can be prised
out of this raw husk.
context gains elucidation: we do not go up against
the State, nor do we enter into the State; rather
we go around it, seeking to make it obsolete
wherever possible in respect of our politics and our
lives. This conception of steady undermining is also
coupled with steady building up. We make something
obsolete not merely by getting rid of it, but by replacing
it. You know James Connollys warning
about replacing the flag and not the system. We see
the Provisionals campaign entering into the
State without advancing the united Republic. The NI
Assembly and the Dáil have not supplanted Parliaments
Handbook catechises Counter-Power.
Rather than calling down the repressive forces of
the State and the media upon resistance, rebels choose
to fight from many fronts with a far less centralised
strategy. Each member is a nucleus, two a cell, up
to thirteen a nestit borrows this term, from
the Romanian Legionary cuib. For us Irish,
we need a nead, to gaelicise the
term and purify it of fascist odour. Does this mean
the nest is a cuckoos nest? In stealing the
eggs for our own omelette, in smashing the eggs in
Leninist fashion to nourish a republican underground,
would we retreat to dugouts and mountainy hideways?
Shades of Dev in the last days of the Civil War, his
government of All-Ireland seven hunted men starving
in a shack. Does the TP example truly suggest a viable
solution, an alternative third way between the outflanked
rebel and the insider minister?
of republican history may remember that the 1970s
policy of Éire Nua--proposed by Ruari
Ó Brádaigh and Daithi Ó Conaill,
then in charge of the Provos--sought a similar third
course between capitalism and communism, hearkening
back to elements in the 1919 Democratic Programme,
1930s papal encyclicals, and manifestoes debated by
IRA tacticians incarcerated in the Curragh during
the Emergency. In The Blanket,
Liam Ó Ruairc has discussed comparisons between
the 1940s Comhar na gComharsan and Nyereres
Tanzanian socialism evangelised by Irish republicans
in the 1970s. Widely derided by Provo militants and
used by their Northern wing as evidence of Southern
weakness in its advocacy of a federal Ireland giving
a sop to the Unionists, the policy advanced
more small-scale control of business, farms, and co-ops,
a Small is Beautiful proto-Green vision. This
utopia could not thrive in sectarian reality of 26
Counties eager to enter the EEC. I recall its fate
to compare to any proposal charted by us today.
on realpolitik, what future could any entity
have that rejected the multinational juggernaut? The
Irish economy faces undercutting by Polish and Russian
high-tech workers not to mention those farther abroad.
Increasingly, its businesses fill the coffers of foreign
owners. As for its political and cultural malaise,
read todays paper. Spiritually in a secularised
climate, any appeal to papist inspiration to achieve
moral recovery appears as unlikely as Justin Barretts
entry into the European Parliament. Still, I have
spilled my magpies jumble of thoughts, and close
with two more from disparate recent readings.
in Michael Azerrads account of 1981-91 American
indie music Our Band Could Be Your Life, the
punk scene gradually becomes corporatised and compromised.
Steve Albini, leader of the Chicago band Big Black,
toys with his reactionary provocations but remains
ethical when others sell out. When asked why he will
not be interviewed by Rolling Stone (a formerly
radical hippie rag turned Madison Avenue
glossy whore), Albini reasons that even if his message
was published there, I paraphrase: whats
the impact of one true voice within a chorus of a
thousand false ones? Stalin sneered: how many
legions does the Pope have? How does idealism square
with pragmatism and force?
as I was browsing--on the Fourth of July, thinking
about the freedom of unpopular or unwanted speech--
through (Maulana Muhammad Alis version of) the
Quran, I found these verses: Say:
Shall We inform you who are the greatest losers in
respect of deeds? Those whose effort goes astray in
this worlds life, and they think that they are
making good manufactures. (Surah Al Kahf:
The Cave 18: 103-4) Ali footnotes (writing in 1917;
#1527, p. 592) that Manufacture is the one specialty
and pride of the West. Here we see us as our
purported Muslim enemieswith whom TP, both wings
of the IRA, and our superpowers have all made common
causesee us. The means and control of production
that TP and Eire Nua sought to mitigate, that
which todays Shinners and our local mall seek
to promote, and our foundation which we republicans
must dig into or out of, Madonnas material world
where, in Alis estimation: production
and more production, that is the be-all and the end-all
of life with them.
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