an extraordinary development, the DPP is to bring
charges of kidnapping and attempted suicide against
the dissident republican, Bobby Tohill.
reviewing CCTV footage of the fracas and re-interviewing
key witnesses, we feel we can now successfully proceed
with the case against Mr Tohill," Crown prosecuter
Hang M. Hygh said.
say that on the night in question, Tohill, who had
been on the drink in Kelly's Cellars, suddenly began
acting crazier than usual.
of a sudden he started shouting a bunch of nonsense
and then he reached around and grabbed himself from
behind at the top of his head and started to drag
himself out of the bar by his hair," a witness,
who declined to be named, explained. "You really
had to see it to believe it."
is understood CCTV footage from security cameras
outside the bar caught Mr Tohill exiting the bar.
He is shown macing himself and then falling to the
ground kicking and screaming. It appears he gave
himself a black eye in the fall. He was also wearing
a white boiler suit. "Bobby often comes to
Kelly's for a quiet pint after work," bar staff
told the Andytown Blews.
after, Mr Tohill disappears from camera view as
he is rolling around on the ground. It is a few
moments later that he is apprehended by PSNI.
Billy Shootspatrick was the arresting officer.
observed a white van driving erratically and pulled
it over. We found Mr Tohill, bloodied and bruised,
in the driver's seat. How he managed that we will
never know. Upon questioning he told us he was kidnapping
himself and taking himself to South Armagh to blow
his head off and make it look like he disappeared.
He asked us for our help in stopping him, and we
DPP is preparing charges for tomorrow's court session.