The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

Caribbean Sinn Fein Easter Message


Jimmy Sands • 28 March 2005

I did not want to let Easter pass by without updating you. Easter is of course a time of great significance for all of us symbolising as it does the triumph of life over death and good over evil all those years ago in Dublin. It’s certainly been hectic few weeks.

First off, I finally had the privilege of seeing one of my plays, “The Press Conference”, given its world premiere, at the Silent Arms, one of Cricklewood’s most prestigious pub venues. It is a matter of some regret that the Abbey, our so-called National Theatre, found the material too hot to handle. They may protest as loudly as they can about how the play was “not what we are looking for right now” and say as often as they like “we wish you success placing the work elsewhere”, but we republicans know censorship when we see it. Scant respect, you may think for a work which I have been assured by at least one major political party will one day be a cornerstone of the Leaving Certificate syllabus.

Of course these are difficult times for republicans. As you may know the crisis in the peace process made it necessary for Martin McGuinness to stay at home for St. Patrick's Day. Rather then disappoint our friends over the water, and as it was apparently too late to cancel the suite, I found myself stepping into the breach. I am happy to say the glitz of recent years has given way to a more intimate approach. We made a conscious decision to stay away from the corridors of power and reconnect with the grass roots. We decided that as a anti-imperialist party, we could not agree to meet President Bush in protest against Iraq and that sort of thing generally. It is a matter of regret that the McCartney family, whom we fully support of course, took the opportunity to visit Washington in our place in order to smear the Republican Movement. Despite receiving sound advice from Martin not to bother their heads with politics, they have allowed themselves to be manipulated by enemies of the peace process such as the SDLP and, it pains me to say, certain people not a million miles away from this publication. Once again I urge them, as a staunch supporter of their quest for justice, to watch their mouths. As a demonstration of our desire to help, I can announce that Sinn Fein is willing to help those who may be uncomfortable going to the police. Anyone who witnessed the events of that night is urged to contact Sinn Fein, giving their name and address and whether or not they are prepared to testify against members of the IRA. I promise, someone will be in touch.

This left Senator Kennedy as the only politician on our schedule. Sadly we had to cancel this also. It turns out that our good friend Danny Morrison had been doing some research into the senator and found out that he had been involved in the suspicious death of a young woman. As we have repeatedly stated in recent weeks, we will have no truck with disreputable behaviour of any kind, and had we known about this incident we would never have agreed to the meeting. I can however deny the scurrilous suggestion that the IRA has approached the Kopechne family with an offer to “take care” of the senator.

The upside of all this that we managed to avoid the tedious political meetings, the big money donations and the sumptuous banquets, and concentrate on the little people. The point was made most eloquently by Gerry Adams, as he gave the keynote speech to a rapt audience well into the dozens at O’Grady’s bar in Akron. When he contrasted the salt of the earth types he was addressing now with his Oval Office and Trump Tower affairs of past years, I swear there was a tear in his eye.


Jimmy Sands
Caribbean Sinn Fein Fifth Anniversary Co-ordinator



























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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



All censorships exist to prevent any one from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships.
- George Bernard Shaw

Index: Current Articles

28 March 2005

Other Articles From This Issue:

The Writing's Off the Wall!
Catherine McGlinchey

Ireland: Republican Movement faces disintegration
Paul Mallon

The IRA is Morphing into the 'Rafia'
Anthony McIntyre

Truth and Justice!
Sheila Holden

Greet the Lion to Kill the Cat
Àine Fox

Concerned Republican
N. Corey

Six Against the Rock
Anthony McIntyre

Our Patriot Dead Are Turning in their Graves
Margaret Quinn

Easter Oration 2005
32 CSM

Easter Statement from the Leadership of the Republican Movement 2005

RSF Vice President Calls On Provisionals To Disband
Des Dalton, RSF

Easter Statement from the Leadership of the Irish Republican Socialist Movement
Andy Gallagher, IRSP

Easter Statement from the Irish National Liberation Army Prisoners of War

Caribbean Sinn Fein Easter Message
Jimmy Sands

22 March 2005

A Must Read
Mick Hall

Green Paper on Irish Unity
32 CSM Press Release

The Advisocrats
Anthony McIntyre

Fig Leaf
Dr John Coulter

Democractic Killers
Fred A Wilcox

Eamon McCann

No Dodging the Moral Dilemma
David Adams

After St Patrick's Day, Where Goes the Peace Process?
Fr. Sean Mc Manus. INC

The Left Way Could be the Right Way for Sinn Fein
Eamon McCann

Robert McCartney
Carol Mallon

Don't Lose Perspective
Richard Wallace

Anthony McIntyre

Is Spring Banging at the Doors of the Arab World?
Michael Youlton

The Letters page has been updated.



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