The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

Jobs for the Boys

George Young • 11 August 2004

Apart from the small scale riot in the Ardoyne and the claims and counter claims of the Parades Commission and the police, it was a reasonably quiet summer newswise, that is, until last Friday, when Gerry Adams appeared on the radio and made yet another monumental statement regarding the removal of the Provisional IRA and their arms.

I then realised that we are now in the month of August, the month preceding the next round of talks on the way forward for the Peace Process and that until the talks actually take place, we will be treated to the usual procession of so called experts, who will dissect the Sinn Fein leader's every word, for signs that this time, he is actually telling the truth.

(Should be quite simple really, is he actually opening his mouth? Enough said.)

I therefore thought that we could, over the next month, look forward to the unionist parties telling us that they will never consider sharing power with Republicans (what else is new?) until such times as the PIRA is disbanded, and that is why I was intrigued by Mr Adams' statement, that Republicans need to be prepared to remove the issue of the IRA and IRA arms as an excuse for unionists to halt progress on the peace process.

After the Big Lad's statement, in which he said, that he realised unionists would have "justifiable fears" about the IRA, I had to ask myself, was there a veiled threat in there somewhere?

It reminded me of the famous "they haven't gone away" statement and beggars the question, why should any unionist fear a Republican army which is on ceasefire? Especially, when the said army is currently intimidating the people who it purports to represent, with a whole range of punishment beatings and shootings of the younger residents of the North's nationalist communities.

The realities are, that in the propaganda war, in the lead up to the next round of talks, it is imperative for Sinn Fein that they be portrayed as the peacemakers and therefore, put the unionists on the backfoot and claim the moral high ground. But, equally, it is also important to them that their own people can take a totally different meaning from his statement, as was plainly obvious, when the Sinn Fein leader was asked if he was calling for the IRA to be wound up, he immediately replied that he had not used those words and said that he was referring to armed groups in general.

Basically, what Mr Adams is doing, is creating the illusion that he is prepared to bargain away the IRA for the sake of peace. And, if that were the case, I would have to ask the question what roles Gerry Kelly, Bobby Storey and the rest of the PIRA would see themselves fulfilling.

Perhaps I could suggest, Justice Minister, Police Commissioner and the rest of the ex-volunteers could be inducted into the PSNI, after all, Gerry and Bobby did a sterling job in protecting the police and quelling the trouble in the Ardoyne, and the rest of the lads have done a wonderful job in policing the peace process, within the nationalist areas, from the very beginning.

(I Once Knew A Boy, nice one, Dolours.)

These appointments, I believe, would give a certain amount of continuity.

Firstly, they would benefit the British government, as they would have people within the Justice Department, who they know have bought into ongoing British rule in our island.

Secondly, it would probably suit the unionists, as it would give them a police force which they could be certain would behave in exactly the same manner as the old RUC with regard to the nationalist communities, a sort of exchange of tyrants for despots.

Another plus point for unionists is, it would also rid the nationalist areas of the dissident republican elements, just ask Bobby Tohill and George McCall.
And as for the Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association, it would cease to exist.

Simple. No Republican Army, no Republican Army prisoners.

I am, of course, in the last statement, being totally facetious, because so long as projects such as The Blanket exist, there will always be a voice for Republicanism and Socialism.

But then, I'm certain that some of the people, whom I have mentioned here, would most certainly be delighted, if all dissident Republicans disappeared and especially some us, who write for The Blanket.

So, lets be one hundred percent honest and frank about the content of the Sinn Fein leader's statement. It would be politically and tactically naive of the IRA and Sinn Fein to make any commitment to disbanding or dumping arms until the talks have started, but perhaps if the jobs I mentioned were on offer to Gerry, Bobby and the rest of the Provo Police.

Well, you never know.






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All censorships exist to prevent any one from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships.
- George Bernard Shaw

Index: Current Articles

14 August 2004

Other Articles From This Issue:

At One with the West Belfast MP
Kathleen O Halloran

Disbanding the Provos
Tommy McKearney

Lessons from the Ceasefire
Mick Hall

Jobs for the Boys
George Young

Working Withing British 'Law' With A Vow NOT to Use Force Against the British
Sharon O'Sullibhan

Conditions for Irish POWs Today
Deirdre Fennessy

The Faithful...
Liam O Comain

Globalised Indifference
Anthony McIntyre

No Human Being is Illegal!
Sean Matthews

8 August 2004

An Ireland of Equals!
Kathleen O Halloran

A Socialist in West Belfast
Anthony McIntyre

A Living Tapestry of Tongues
Sean Fleming

Paranoia is Healthy: Michael O'Connell's Right Wing Ireland?
Seaghán Ó Murchú

'The Labor of Reading'
Liam O Ruairc

Seamus Costello, Joe McCann and myself. . .
Liam O Comain

Anti-Semitism at the World Social Forum?
Cecilie Surasky



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