The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent
'Palestine: It's Hell'
John Reese ISM activist talks


'Palestine: It?s Hell' nationwide talk/presentation by ISM activist John Reese

The Dublin talk will take place on TUESDAY THE 20th OF MAY at 7.30pm in the upstairs Meeting Room in the Irish Film Centre (IFC), Eustace Street, Dublin 2. All welcome.

The IPSC are proud to host 'Palestine: It?s Hell', a talk and presentation by ISM activist and hydrologist John Reese, during the week 19th-24th of May.

John Reese was in Palestine for seven months in 2002 working with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) and the Palestinian Hydrology Group (PHG). While in Palestine he coordinated the ISM actions, was the coordinator for the Olive Harvest Campaign and was the nonviolence trainer for ISM. He also collected information on the environmental effects of the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine and was one of the authors and editors of the Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network's (PENGON?s) first report on the Israeli Apartheid Wall.

John traveled to over 40 cities across the US in January and March, 2003, showing his slide presentation and telling stories about people living under occupation. A peace activist since the Vietnam War and a hydrogeologist and environmental consultant for 20 years, John will be in Ireland from May 19th to May 24th, giving talks in Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Galway, and Sligo about the impacts of war and the occupation on the environment of Palestine.

The Dublin talk will take place on TUESDAY THE 20th OF MAY at 7.30pm in the upstairs Meeting Room in the Irish Film Centre (IFC), Eustace Street, Dublin 2. All welcome.

Confirmation of other venues will be circulated when available, but dates are as follows:
20th: Dublin (see above)
21st: Cork
22nd: Galway
23rd: Sligo
24th: Belfast (tbc)

John intends to return to Palestine after his Irish tour to continue his environmental assessment of the problems caused by the occupation. Funds raised at these talks will help John to continue the work he has been doing.

The IPSC strongly encourages all members and supporters to attend these interesting and informative talks.

For further information, please contact Irene at 087 207 2187 or by e-mail at






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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



I have spent
many years of my life
in opposition, and
I rather like the role.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Index: Current Articles

15 May 2003


Other Articles From This Issue:


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SAS Stake Knife
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Super Stake Knife
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How Stakeknife paved way to defeat for IRA
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'Palestine: It's hell'
IPSC Event


11 May 2003


Stakeknife - Shock and Awe.
Anthony McIntyre


In the name of womanhood

Michael Youlton


Brendan Hughes


Death Threats and Harassment by the RUC/PSNI
Joe Dillon


Election Delay Shows Dubious Democracy
Eamon Lynch




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