thinks Sean Oilibhear protests too much. (Irish
News April 5th) It would seem that no adverse
comment on Sinn Fein policy or lack of policies is
acceptable. His letter positively bristles with indignation
referring to my analysis as diatribe or vitriol.
respect to his unwillingness to engage in a protracted
debate or whatever through the letters page; why does
that not surprise me? Open and frank discussion would
be alien to many like Sean. Their struggle
consists in the main of constant one way attempts
to convince an ever-decreasing republican support
base of the elegance, beauty and integrity of the
emperors new clothes and reconcile the irreconcilable.
will finish off by asking Sean to ponder the following
conundrum. Throughout our recent history and beyond
Sinn Fein and the Movement in general has been a pariah
to the U.S., British and Irish Governments. We were
informed that we required a period of quarantine and
intensive house training before our representatives
would be allowed to the top table. Well suddenly Sinn
Fein are not only at the top table but tucked up snugly
in bed with their erstwhile enemies. What has occurred
to allow for this sea change? There are two possible
The Sinn Fein leadership has convinced the three administrations
on the moral and economic validity of a secular socialist
republic for the Irish people and the triumvirate
are working with the Shinners to bring this about.
To gain the illusion of power Sinn Fein has abandoned
all embarrassing radical socialist tendencies and
are now part of a right wing coalition that offers
no threat to the socio-economic status quo or hope
to the people of no property.
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