The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

Reference Guide to Provisional IRA Attacks on Republicans, 1998-2004

List complied by the Irish Freedom Committee and the Blanket • March 1, 2004
(Note: some links will take you to external sites)

March 1 2004
The Enforcers - Anthony McIntyre interviews George McCall
February 29, 2004
Provo 'police' exposed by failed Tohill abduction
January 27, 2004
"Shooting the Fenians" - Anthony McIntyre on the shooting of George McCall
February 25, 2004
Kelly's Cellars - Anthony McIntyre onthe abduction of Bobby Tohill
February 21, 2004
Bobby Tohill - 'They Just Kept Telling Me They Were Going To Kill Me'
February 21, 2004
Bobby Tohill kidnapped, nearly murdered by provos
January 28, 2004
Provo charged with 1998 Mickey Donnelly assault
January 20, 2004
Prisoners' welfare campaigner George McCall blames Provos for assault
January 19, 2004
Pro-Treaty Stormont Troopers shoot Prisoners' welfare campaigner George McCall
November 19, 2003 
Father of Gareth O�Connor: �think hard� before voting for Sinn F�in
November 2, 2003
Kidnapped - Anthony McIntyre on the abduction of Brendan Rice
October 12, 2003 
Abducted and tortured by Provos, Brendan Rice is returned
October 12, 2003 
Republicans condemn abduction of Brendan Rice
October 3, 2003
The Rite of Passage - Anthony McIntyre on the abduction of Stephen Moore
October 2, 2003 
Republicans condemn the kidnapping of Stephen Moore
October 2, 2003 
Provos abduct and torture Republican Stephen Moore
September 11, 2003 
New appeal over disappearance of Gareth O'Connor
September 21, 2003
Provos target Brendan �Shando� Shannon
September 15, 2003
In the Shadow of Fear - Anthony McIntyre on the abduction of Brendan 'Shando' Shannon
August 25, 2003 
Marian Price challenges Provos after death threats
August 24, 2003
Provo death threats to prisoners' welfare spokeswoman Marian Price
June 25, 2003
Crippling Critique - Anthony McIntyre on harassment of Kevin Perry
June 8, 2003 
Missing man lost cash in provo money scam
May 25, 2003 
Gareth O'Connor "Gone without a trace"
May 15, 2003 
Mother's plea for provos to return son
May 14, 2003 
Armagh man misssing after provo death threat
January 5, 2003
Hammering Dissent - Anthony McIntyre on Kevin Perry attack
December 1, 2002
The Civil Rights Veterans- Mickey Donnelly and Fionnbarra O�Dochartaigh - The Blanket
November 28, 2002
Danny McBearty's Story - The Blanket
November 24, 2002
Bridie McCloskey's Story - The Blanket
November 3, 2002
Vigilante guns �came from Florida� - January 2001 provo punishment gang arrests
October 24, 2002
Stand Up and Be Counted - Mickey Donnelly on attempted murder of Danny McBrearty 
September 6, 2002
Controlling the Streets - Anthony McIntyre on George Trainor attack
September 5, 2002
Out of the Ashes of Armed Struggle Arose the Stormontistas And They Fought...Ardoyne Youth - The Blanket
August 30, 2002
Maureen Kearney was the IRA's most vocal critic in their own heartland
August 1, 2002
A Scam in a Pint Glass - Anthony McIntyre on pubs threatened for hosting IRPWA events
July 21, 2002
A Peace Steeped in Blood - The Murder of Andrew Kearney
June 20, 2002
The Power to Force Respect - Anthony McIntyre on community judgement
February 15, 2002
Derry �exile� Joseph McCloskey takes case to MPs
April 01, 2001
Writer forced out of home by IRA threats
February 07, 2001
IRWG Condemns Attack On Anthony McIntyre
January 31, 2001
Provos on disciplinary mission, say garda�
January 30, 2001
Baseball bat gang arrested in Cork believed to be Provisional IRA
January 1, 2002
Statement of Nicola O Connor: "My husband was murdered by the Provisional IRA"
November 30, 2000
Standing Tall - John Nixon
November 9, 2000 
Statement from the Family of Joseph O Connor - Threats to Twomey, McIntyre
November 02, 2000
IRWG Statement On Continued Intimidation
November 01, 2000
A Belfast mother's appeal to Gerry Adams - Fourthwrite Magazine
October 30, 2000
Who killed Joseph O'Connor? - Magill Magazine
October 25, 2000
U.S. woman Carrie Twomey forced from Belfast home - Irish Echo
October 17, 2000
Killing Republicans-- That Was Not Our War - Tommy Gorman and Anthony McIntyre
October 16, 2000
Joe O'Connor killed in Belfast - his mother Margaret blames the Provos - Fourthwrite
October 15, 2000
O'Connor killing sparks fear of terror feud 
September 2, 1999
Mum died of 'broken heart' over son's murder - Maureen Kearney 
August 4, 1999
Provo killing of Bennett a cruel act of savagery
August 4, 1999
Provisional IRA admit murder of Bennett
July 10, 1998
The Law of the Baseball Bat - Jackie Dana on Tony Friel, Mickey Donnelly attacks
July 01, 1998
Vicious attack on Mickey Donnelly family - Saoirse






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All censorships exist to prevent any one from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships.
- George Bernard Shaw

Index: Current Articles

1 March 2004


Other Articles From This Issue:


The Enforcers

Anthony McIntyre


Reference Guide to Provisional IRA Attacks on Republicans, 1998-2004


Stand Down, Mr Hyde
Liam O Comain


Civilian Administration?
George Young


Adams Nearly Quit Sinn Fein - Peace Process Hero Angered by IRA's Violence
Barney de Breadbin and Eamonn Codswallop


Double Standards - Questions Need Answering
Raymond Blaney


Brilliant, Bloody Brilliant
Brian Mór


POWs and the Challenge of Partnership
Aoife Rivera Serrano


25 February 2004


Naming Bobby Sands Street

Pedram Moallemian


Suspended Belief
J. Sean Burns


Kelly's Cellars
Anthony McIntyre


Stop Press!
Jimmy Sands


PSNI/RUC Occupies POW's Family Homes
Marian Price and Martin Mulholland


Did the Black and Tans Run From the Rifles of the IRA?
Liam O Ruairc


Stevens, Inquiries, Resistance to Change
David Michael


Provisionals Attempt to Censor and Exclude RSF in Scotland
Seamus Reader


Provisional Police?
George Young




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