The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent


Vote Gary Donnelly Independent Republican

Election Coverage

Gary Donnelly Election Manifesto (Cityside Ward, Derry City Council)


Gary Donnelly is a 34 year old father of two and a long serving republican activist from the Creggan.

This campaign aims to offer the people of the Cityside Ward the chance to vote for an independent republican voice in Derry City Council.

As an independent councillor, Gary Donnelly will deliver DIRECT representation of the community's views and provide a solution-orientated service to the people of the Cityside.

Today's political agenda fails the republican constituency as a whole; no republican with integrity can claim to be satisfied with the current state of affairs.

All the "MAINSTREAM" political parties, including those who profess to represent working class republican areas have fallen victim to cronyism, junkets and mutual back-scratching.

It is sad that some of those who once stood against job discrimination by Unionism now abuse their own position to secure jobs for their families, friends and political supporters.

As an independent Gary Donnelly will challenge corruption and promote republican values on behalf of the community.

Free from all party political machinery and temptation to "horse trade" issues with other political parties, Gary Donnelly will make your concerns his priority. Now is the time to make a change.

Don't miss this opportunity.

Votail Gary Donnelly no 1 Independent Republican Cityside, Derry 07821771931.




No lies no nonsense.

The Six Counties remain under British occupation, this is an election issue. I stand for a 32 County democratic socialist Republic. The people of Ireland continue to be denied the right to national self-determination due to the ongoing occupation. The illegal partition of Ireland is not and cannot be acceptable, this reality lies at the core of my political philosophy.


A united Ireland is about cherishing every citizen of the nation equally. I will stand up to sectarianism, bigotry racism, homophobia or any other form of discrimination which affects the people of Derry. For example, the ongoing petrol bomb attacks on the Fountain estate are unacceptable and contrary to Republican ideals. I will work on the ground with the young people to resolve this issue. Continuing hate attacks on asylum seekers, foreign nationals and members of the gay community are also unacceptable and contrary to the republican vision of a united Ireland.


Unfortunately despite the hundreds of millions of pounds and euro that have been poured into the community from the European Structural fund among others, little or nothing of the benefits of this funding has reached the community. Conditions of deprivation and disadvantage still prevail while poverty and social inequality increase.

One of the main reasons why this funding has been so ineffective is due to political cronyism and mutual back-scratching. Certain groups with clear political interests have manipulated jobs and funding to suit themselves, their friends and their families. Although many millions have gone to fund ex-prisoners groups, large numbers of ex-prisoners have been alienated from these programmes. All ex-prisoners deserve a fair deal.

After thirty years of struggle, drug dealers and anti-social elements have been given a free hand to pollute the community with narcotics such as ecstasy tablets and date rape drugs. I will take a strong but community led stance against these elements and their activities.

At the same time Iwill address related problems such as lack of facilities for young people. This ward is predominately working class and republican in ethos. Petty harassment of working class people over TV licences or so called benefit fraud is not acceptable.

Many people on the dole in Derry are expected to live on 84 pound per fortnight, for some-one in similar circumstances in Donegal the rate is 296 Euro per fortnight (ALMOST 150% INCREASE). Yet, the British statuary sector continue to squander their resources in huge bill-board campaigns and snooping exercises instead of cutting a fair deal. As an independent councillor I intend to raise these issues and to afford support to those affected.


Why vote for an independent candidate? As an independent I can provide DIRECT representation of your views and concerns. I am free of any political interference or party hierarchy.

Derry City Council is controlled by party blocs, an independent voice is needed to challenge the arrogance of these parties and individuals. Equally, the republican community can benefit from independent analysis.

Freedom of speech and meaningful dialogue have also suffered within the republican community in recent years, as an independent councillor Iwill work with your local agenda and not any pre-packaged prescriptions of what the community needs.

Look at the recent floods in Derrys Cityside when local politicians were seen jockeying to hold the umbrella for British NIO minister Ian Pearson*. I offer this merely as an image of how these councillors conduct themselves on your behalf.


RUC/PSNI is not acceptable to the nationalist/republican community. In the context of partition it can never be acceptable because its primary role is to protect British Interests in the Six Counties. RUC/PSNI continues to use plastic bullets and CS gas against the community. Remember this force was responsible for framing Brandywell man Seamus Doherty, among others, by manufacturing and planting forensic evidence. Only for the good work of Seamus' defence team, he would currently be serving a twenty year gaol sentence.


The day on which you cast your vote is the twenty-fourth anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands who died along with his nine comrades (two of whom Micky Devine and Patsy O Hara were from this ward), fighting for political status. It is unfortunate to say the least, that the rights won by these men were signed away in the "Good Friday Agreement". Republican prisoners currently incarcerated in Maghaberry Prison are being denied political status and have been forgotten. If elected, this will be a top priority.


* Correction! It has come to my attention that one of my election leaflets has confused the identity of two Brit Ministers: Ian Pearson and John Spellar. It was in fact Ian Pearson who visited Derry in the aftermath of the floods and not John Spellar - the man who voted to re-instate the Scots Guardsmen, Mark Wright and James Fisher convicted for the murder of Belfast teenager Peter McBride on 4 September 1992. This was not a deliberate attempt to mislead, I hope I have not offended any of those who were jockeying to hold the umbrella. I must admit I have no personal familiarity with any of the Brit Ministers in Ireland. - Gary Donnelly




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All censorships exist to prevent any one from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships.
- George Bernard Shaw

Index: Current Articles

19 April 2005

Other Articles From This Issue:

Another Historic Statement, Again
Anthony McIntyre

Two Heads Better Than One?
Brian Mór

Hope for A Democractic Avenue, Not a Dead End Street
Mick Hall

Irish American Support
Niall Fennessy

Street Fighting Man
Fred A Wilcox

Revolutionaries Have Set Up Dictatorship
Margaret Quinn

The Murder of Robert McCartney
Conor Horan

The Missing Ingredient
Ruairi O’Driscoll

Re-orienting perspectives: Bob Quinn's The Atlantean Irish
Seaghán Ó Murchú

Politics of Peace at an Impasse
David Adams

* Election Coverage *

Independent Irish Republicans Standing in All 6 Counties
Sean Mc Aughey

John Coulter

Gary Donnelly, Cityside Ward, Derry City Council

Aine Gribbon, Antrim Town Council

Patricia (Trish) Murray, Antrim Town Council

The Letters page has been updated.

6 April 2005

Criminality and Public Relations
Eamon Sweeney

Truth Better than Spin
Mick Hall

The Central Issue is Justice
Catherine McCartney

Not Out of Nationalist Woods Yet
David Adams

South Down Election Play
John Coulter

Are We on the Verge of a New Political Ice Age?
Anthony McIntyre



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