When I was young, I often encountered
strange children on the streets of my city. These
boys and girls had huge sad eyes, they never laughed,
and they were skin and bones. "Displaced people,"
said my father, who had seen kids like these in the
war-shattered ruins of Europe. Displaced from what?
From families that perished in concentration camps.
From towns that had been blown to pieces. From mass
murderers who, when hauled before a court at Nuremberg,
showed no remorse, did not apologize for the atrocities
they had committed, and even expressed pride in their
contribution to exterminating millions of Jews, Gypsies,
Socialists, Communists, and Homosexuals. After all,
said these men, "We were only following orders."
the United States of America continues to deploy more
than 100,000 heavily armed troops in Iraq, I ask students
in my college seminar on violence/nonviolence to write
a paper in which they explore the consequences of
following, or not following, orders. We watch a documentary
about a small Vietnamese village called My Lai. In
this documentary, combat veterans of the Vietnam War
attempt to explain why they obeyed orders to kill
over 500 innocent men, women, and children.
of the men interviewed for this film explains that
he went on a rampage, killing everything in sight,
including a woman who was carrying a baby. "I
shot her," says the veteran. "And when I
looked the bullet had gone straight through and killed
the baby. Why? I was trained to follow orders. They
told us to kill everyone that day, and that's exactly
what we did." His hands shake, his legs quiver,
and his eyes fill with tears. He takes massive amounts
of drugs to control his nerves. He has attempted suicide
on several occasions.
talk to my students about Bloody Sunday, and they
are invariably shocked to hear that British soldiers
opened fire on civil rights demonstrators in Derry,
N. Ireland, killing fourteen unarmed people, wounding
many more. I tell them that anyone who has spent more
than twenty-four hours in the military knows that
soldiers do not act on their own. In basic training,
recruits are trained to obey their superiors
orders. Failure to do so will result in the trainee
being ostracized, ridiculed, verbally and physically
attacked, and even drummed out of the service. So
yes, on January 30, 1972, British paratroopers fired
into the backs of teenage civil rights demonstrators,
but the real question is who gave the orders for this
massacre? Who wanted those demonstrators dead? Who
wanted to terrorize, and to silence, people who were
marching for the right to live in decent housing,
work at rewarding jobs, and live without fear of being
attacked by mercenaries like the B-Specials? It is
becoming increasingly clear that while commanders
on the ground issued orders to fire on the demonstrators,
the plan of attack actually came from a much higher
source; perhaps, straight down the chain of command
from Downing Street.
tell my students about Internment in the North of
Ireland, and I ask them whether they would be willing
to hold prisoners in torture chambers for days, putting
hoods over their heads, beating and kicking them unconscious.
Well meaning, good hearted young people, my students
reply that they would never do such things, they would
never follow orders to hurt and possibly kill innocent
people. Yes, I say, but dont we all follow orders?
Arent we paying for the thousands of innocent
people who have been killed, and are dying in Iraq?
Doesnt our tax money pay for every new weapon
system the U.S. government develops and deploys in
order, were told, to protect us from dangerous
enemies? Arent we following orders when we pay
for the crimes the Central Intelligence Agency has
committed, and continues to commit, in the name of
peace and democracy? If we see a crime in process
but do nothing to stop it, are we accomplices to this
entire world has seen the horrific photographs from
Iraqs Abu Ghraib prison. Weve seen naked
men, their bodies covered with mud or feces. Hooded
men, their outstretched arms attached to what appears
to be electric wires. Naked prisoners, some suffering
from bleeding dog bites, cowering on the floor in
front of snarling canines. A female American soldier
smiling next to the corpse of an Iraqi, and other
women warriors laughing and pointing to the genitals
of naked Iraqi prisoners.
to the men and women in these photographs, they were
only following orders. Their job was to secure valuable
information from detainees, and they had been led
to believe that it was all right to torment, if not
torture, prisoners of war. Like My Lai, and Bloody
Sunday, the blame for crimes at Abu Ghraib will most
likely fall upon ordinary soldiers who were trained
to follow orders. Those who occupy, or who once sat
in exalted positions of powerMargaret Thatcher,
Edward Heath, George W. Bush, the list is longwill
never be called before a tribunal to answer for their
illegal, homicidal, genocidal orders . Like kings
and queens who sent their armies off to burn and pillage,
Thatcher, Bush, and company rest easy, far from the
cries of the killing fields, far from the screams
of the torture chambers, and far from the responsibility
of the orders they issue to ordinary men and women.
the end of World War II, the United States of America
commenced to try Nazi officials for crimes against
humanity. Arrogant and defiant, Herman Goering and
company informed the tribunal that they were only
following orders and, therefore, could not be held
accountable for mass murder. The tribunals judges
disagreed and, moreover, reached the following conclusion:
have international duties which transcend the national
l obligations of obedience imposed by the individual
state. He who violates the laws of war cannot obtain
immunity while acting in pursuance of the authority
of the state if the sate in authorizing action moves
outside its competence under international law.
(Wilcox, Uncommon Martyrs: How the Berrigans
and Others are Turning Swords into Plowshares).
to Richard Falk, Milbank Professor of International
Law at Princeton University, the Nuremberg concept
was extended to the level of primary leaders. This
included doctors, judges, and business executives
who were associated with implementing one or another
facet of officially sanctioned Nazi (and Japanese
imperial) policies. At Nuremberg, the principal was
established that anyone with knowledge of crimes of
state has a responsibility to act to take action to
prevent these crimes. No superior order or sense of
nationalistic identity should keep ordinary citizens
from taking action to prevent crimes against humanity.
For more than three decades, the British government
has stonewalled, obfuscated, and lied about what really
happened on Bloody Sunday. The British government
has refused to acknowledge its role in the assassinations
of Pat Finucane and many other innocent people in
N. Ireland. No one wants to concede, to confess, that
he or she gave the orders to execute a man in front
of his family, to blow a womans car to pieces
outside of schoolyard, or to murder men and women
suspected of belonging to the Irish Republican Army.
Some of those who gave orders to torture, maim, and
kill Irish Republicans in the North of Ireland have
probably died, while others are undoubtedly hoping
they will never be held accountable for issuing orders
that were clearly violations of international law.
Baines Johnson, Richard M. Nixon, Henry Kissinger,
Robert McNamara and other high-ranking American officials
who orchestrated the slaughter of millions of Vietnamese
people were never tried for war crimes. And I suspect
that George W. Bush and friends will write their memoirs,
cash in on mass murder, and go gently into that good
historical night. Unlike the young men who followed
orders to kill civilians at My Lai, or the young men
and women who tortured Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib,
George Bush, Margaret Thatcher, and their ilk will
sleep soundly in their royal chambers, knowing that
working class ground pounders will always pay for
the crimes of state.
does all this lead? I think its time to establish
an international movement based upon the refusal to
follow illegal, immoral, unethical, orders. We can
take inspiration from the approximately1300 courageous
Israeli citizen soldiers who refuse to take part in
their governments genocidal campaigns in Palestine.
We can take heart from the men who simply walked away
from the carnage at My Lai. We can be inspired by
American soldiers who tried to blow the whistle on
the sadistic circus at Abu Ghraib, and by those men
and women who refused to participate in the illegal
invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq.
to the invasion of Iraq, and after the bombing began,
millions of people marched through the streets of
London, Dublin, Madrid, Rome, New York City, and other
cities. We were refusing to follow orders to support
a preemptive strike, based on lies, against a sovereign
nation. People stood up to authority, and got beaten,
arrested, insulted, jailed. In the United States of
America, we who opposed Mr. Bushs war were called
traitors, accused of supporting terrorism, and of
insulting the men and women who were being sent off
to fight and die.
might happen if ordinary people throughout the world
simply decide to refuse to follow orders? What if
we proclaim that never again will we shoot our brothers
and sisters down in the streets of Saigon and Derry
and Belfast and Baghdad? What if we refuse to spy
on, torture, and assassinate those whom our leaders
deem enemies of the state? Who will fight wars so
that the rich and powerful can get richer and more
powerful, if we the people refuse to follow orders?
This is not a utopian scheme. It simply takes courage
to defy the insanity of those who promise to pin medals
on our chests as a reward for fighting in their greed-driven
torturers, there can be no more torture chambers.
Without assassins, there can be no more assassinations.
Without soldiers, there can be no more wars. It seems
to me that its just as simple, and complicated,
as that. The refusal to follow orders
group will require no dues. There will be no board
of directors, no hierarchal leadership. Together,
we will simply revolt against those who never have
to see or touch or smell the blood they order ordinary
people, like our friends and families, like us, to
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