McKEVITT is in Portlaoise Prison for the last two
years awaiting a Brit-type, non-jury trial. Irelands
Justice officials evidently know what everybody else
knows; that the RUC, British Army Intelligence, MI5
and Chicago FBI converted an IRA property damage bomb
into the Omagh massacre, and because they know it
they cannot charge McKevitt with it. Instead, they
have adopted a clever ruse: they have charged McKevitt,
not with murder of the Omagh innocents, but with Directing
the Real IRA (RIRA). They then get Irelands
news media to add The RIRA bombed Omagh
to all reports of McKevitts impending trial.
Thus, though the govt cannot charge McKevitt
with that crime, it fosters the belief that he will
be convicted of it. McKevitts wife, Bernadette,
was arrested along with him; but being a sister of
internationally-revered Bobby Sands (RIP), the smears
necessary to frame an innocent would hardly adhere
to her. She was soon released, uncharged.
At first glance McKevitt appears to be facing a Soviet-era
show trial; but it is far more: it is the latest of
a series of MI5 crimes that began in Chicago over
a decade ago. Michael McKevitt has been framed
by the self-same MI5/FBI criminals who framed me twice
and wrongfully charged and incarcerated my wife Mary
and me by similarly coordinated felony crimes.
Heres what happened in Chicago.
WARNING came from FBI Agent Joe Doyle. He informed
Mary and me that some of his fellow agents were bribed
and subverted by MI5 and planning dirty tricks
crimes against us to stop our human rights and media
watch work for the Occupied Irish. (MI5 evidently
fears truth-tellers more than funders of the IRA,
as it never attacked Irish Northern Aid.) Though Doyle
spent a few hours describing the forms of MI5s
bribes and much other detail we ultimately doubted
him and his warning when, despite the absoluteness
of his Oath to uphold the law, he said there was nothing
he could do to stop the crimes. Later, he proved too
fearful of his fellow agents to testify that he had
warned us. The proven accuracy of his warning of impending
crimes now alarms us - as he has more recently re-contacted
us to warn that the FBI will murder us if we continue
to expose their crimes.
LANGERT FAMILY was massacred in the Chicago suburb
of Winnetka a few weeks after Doyles first warning.
The murder weapon was FBI agent Lewis 357 Magnum;
the shooter was 16-year-old David Biro. Local detectives
met and each wrote on a card the names of possible
suspects and placed it onto a pile. The cards contained
only one name; David Biro. Also, a detective had spotted
Biro near Langerts home the night of the murders.
He had previously shot others with his BB gun and
poisoned a carton of milk in his own family refrigerator.
His ambition was to be a hit-man.
and took charge. He ordered investigators away from
Biro and sent them on nationwide pursuits of phantom
perpetrators, particularly the IRA. As head of the
Chicago FBIs new Irish Terrorism
unit, Buckley was the leader of the MI5-bribed traitors
about whom Doyle had warned us. During the six months
that Buckley shielded Biro, Biro would impress his
classmates by taking them on tours of the murder site.
They kept mum. Agent Lewis never reported her gun,
the murder weapon, missing.
NEWS MEDIA personified by TV anchorwoman Carol Marin
in my case, abetted the MI5/FBI criminals the same
way they abetted the Omagh perpetrators - by blaming
it on the RIRA and, by extension, McKevitt. Within
days of the Langert massacre Buckley got Marin to
announce on prime-time network TV that the IRA
are linked to Langert murders. When I phoned
her the next day to learn the basis for her scoop,
she told me that her source was an FBI agent.
When I asked her how she had met her responsibility
to verify it she said she had not done so but had
accepted the uncorroborated word of the FBI. She never
issued a correction; and the rest of the news media
parroted her lies.
THEN FRAMED ME. Having gotten the news media to do
to me what it has been doing to McKevitt, Buckley
took his next step; he inserted into a signed police
murder investigation report my words that
doubly nailed me. Of all of Earths population,
my info could be known first hand by nobody
but the murderer and the first investigators on the
crime scene. I was headed for Lethal Injection; but
Buckley didnt arrest me - yet. It suited MI5
to wait; as memories fade, while murder has no Statute
of Limitations. Besides, his protégé
Biros blabbing was becoming problematic; it
eventually demolished Buckleys frame-up of me.
Nobody other than Biro was ever arrested for these
crimes, and he was arrested only after fellow students
informed police of his plan to rob the local bank
and murder its entire staff.
2ND SERIES OF CRIMES were against my wife Mary, two
others and me. He began them soon after Biro demolished
his previous attempt to have me executed. He falsely
arrested us and incarcerated us in the Federal Correctional
Center at Clark and VanBuren streets. We barely bonded
out after three days and spent the next fifteen months
defending ourselves with seven attorneys. We were
doomed had we been poor. We eventually proved in federal
court that the FBIs only evidence against us,
an audiotape, was a criminally altered version of
the original demanded by the judge.
AGENTS PROVOCATEUR are scum; all four of them abetted
his Chicago crimes. Besides their crimes for MI5/FBI,
all but one are embezzlers, all but another one have
criminal records. Against us Buckley used Rupert and
Bostonian ex-con John Tuttle. It was established in
court that Buckley paid Tuttle according to the nature
of his reports about us; the more sensational the
more pay; inviting fabrication. After Mary noticed
Tuttles odd behavior we accosted him but a heavily
armed gang soon entered. We went home and I faxed
reports of the criminal raid to local newspapers.
The next morning an FBI gang broke into our house
with drawn guns; one of five such terrorist attacks.
For more than a year Buckley Obstructed Justice by
extracting Tuttle from Chicago area lock-ups and quashing
the charges (for auto theft, drunk driving, breaking
the noses of two different women; the first with his
fist and the next against the windshield of the car
he crashed while driving drunk, etc.). Buckley stated
in federal court that the last he heard of his witness
Tuttle was that he had stolen a car in Chicago and
crashed it in Minnesota.
RUPERT; LIFE-LONG FRAUDSTER from upstate New York,
was the fourth agent provocateur on Buckleys
payroll. His record is the lengthiest and most sordid
of all. He is a four-time bankrupt; not of Chapter
11 or 13 involving repayment, but of Chapter 7 (in
which creditors get nothing and the debtor walks away
free). Rupert has hundreds of creditors none of whom
got a single penny back. His signed statements on
his bankruptcy documents are perjuries. For example;
on documents of three of his bankruptcies he attests
that his total income over seven years was $4,800
(on which he maintained three expensive cars, and
homes in NY and Florida!). He thus illegally failed
to declare as income the money he defrauded from his
creditors and spent. Omitted from the list of creditors
due to their poverty are dozens of truck drivers whose
withheld taxes and Social Security Rupert embezzled
instead of forwarding it to their IRS accounts. He
is on his fourth wife. One reportedly works in a massage
parlor. His third bankrupted upon divorcing him. He
testified that he bankrupted only once but we possess
documentation of four. He falsely testified that his
bankruptcy was caused by one of his trucks involvement
in an accident but his bankruptcy filing predates
that accident by two weeks. When the buyer (at $45,000)
of his Massena house handed Rupert a $30,000 check
to duly clear its $30,000 mortgage (thus clearing
its title for transfer), he cashed it instead and
kept the $30,000. During his brief employment with
B&W Trucking he embezzled it of $800,000; a crime
abetted to date by the FBI.
coming to Chicago and working for Buckley he surreptitiously
set up a Friends of Irish Freedom (FOIF) web site
fraudulently soliciting funds from the public into
his P.O. box at 41st & Halsted. During this time,
Buckley was sending him to Ireland on behalf of MI5.
Ultimately, Buckleys Chicago crime pattern (including
attempted murder, fraud, perjury, tape evidence fabrication,
criminal insertion of words into a murder investigation
report signed by a subordinate, obstruction of justice,
etc.) continued in Ireland, abetted by Rupert and
used against McKevitt and others. Ruperts life
of fraud was never as rewarding as his current complicity
in MI5/FBI crimes. This is the man The (London)
Times described as ..a heroic American just
doing his job. Since January 1, 2001 MI5 has
reportedly paid him £27,500 per month. Immediately
after the Omagh blast he was reportedly summoned away
from it to England by MI5 who gave him and his wife
large sums of money and tickets to the US and Grand
Cayman. Rupert didnt commit the crimes alone;
Buckley was with him in Ireland much of the time.
Since Omagh, Agent Buckleys criminal colleagues
got the IRS to accept $25,000 in settlement of Ruperts
tax lien that may surpass $1million. A separate $multi-million
MI5 reward reportedly awaits Ruperts testimony
against McKevitt. By this means I summon US law officers
to arrest these perps for their Chicago crimes. Readers:
please contact your congressmen to demand Due Process
of these treasonous terrorists.
OF MI5S CONTROL. Mary and I sent preliminary
evidence of the MI5/FBI crimes together with our demand
for Due Process to every level of Chicago law enforcement
and Justice up to and including US Attorney General
Janet Reno. Chicago police sympathetically told us;
The FBI are worse than the old KGB but we cant
do anything about them except increase the frequency
of patrols around your building. It took months
for Reno to write us that she had forwarded our allegation
of FBI crimes to the FBI and that the FBI had investigated
itself (without our full evidence or our testimony!)
and found itself innocent. Likewise, Taoiseach Bertie
Aherne has falsely denied on TV that MI5 and the FBI
operate in Ireland.
CRIMES IN IRELAND are nearly identical repetitions
of their crimes against Mary and me in Chicago. They
differ only in that their Chicago crimes are already
documented. In both jurisdictions FBI agent Buckley
headed MI5s dirty tricks gang. In
both jurisdictions Buckleys gang is involved
in massacres to be attributed to persons pre-targeted
by MI5. In Ireland it is Omagh w/ Rupert, in Chicago
it was the Langert massacre w/ FBI agent Lewis
357 Magnum. In both jurisdictions, MI5/FBI perpetrated
crimes against the public and law-abiding republican
supporters. In both, MI5/FBI used accomplices with
criminal records. In both, MI5/FBI furthered their
crimes by getting corrupt news media to disinform
the public and demonize their targeted victims. In
both, Buckleys accomplice is prepped to testify
as if he and Buckley are law upholders instead of
what they are. In both, Buckley $rewards his accomplice.
In both, the size of $reward varies according to how
sensational the story is. In both, Buckley commits/suborns
perjury through his accomplice. In both the FBI uses
the IRS for criminal purposes. (The IRS falsely charged
me with a tax liability on my IRS-exempt El Salvador
salary and eventually robbed me, while after Omagh
it wrongfully forgave nearly $million in taxes Rupert
owes on his criminally-gotten loot.) In both jurisdictions,
MI5/FBI created audiotape evidence. In both, the State
illegally withholds Discovery Documents vital to the
defense (but eventually released to us enough to enable
us to prove FBIs felonious tape tampering).
In both, the State failed to apply Due Process to
MI5/FBI criminals even after their guilt became common
knowledge. By getting the news media to demonize me
(and McKevitt) using my words to frame
me, Buckley could reasonably expect that a jury would
believe signatory (and Buckley accomplice) police
officer John Fay over me, the IRA hit-man murderer
of the Langerts, but the murderers boasts
saved my life. Where is Biros equal in McKevitts
case? Can it be the English news media who broke the
Fulton/BritArmy Int involvement in the Omagh massacre,
or Ruperts reports to his MI5 handlers of his
Omagh involvement, or the Omagh RUCs losing
of the bomb warning tape and losing of
their warnings logbook after corralling the public
into the blast instead of dispersing them off high
street. Or Is Biros demolition of MI5/FBIs
case against me equaled in McKevitts case by
the 9Jan03 news reports that the Crown has bribed
Kevin Fulton into silence?
FUNDAMENTAL LIE underpinning MI5/FBI crimes and the
Irish govts complicity in them is IRA
Terrorism. The carefully covered-up truth is
that while Irish and British forces each killed approximately
the same number, the Irish attacked enemy combatants
while the Brits murdered Irish noncombatants. Child-murder
is the essence of terrorism. Of the 173 child-murders
since 1968, Brit forces perpetrated all of them but
20. For comprehensive details see www.terrorismireland.org.
Despite the huge preponderance of Irish murdered
by Brit forces, readily verified in published compilations
of conflict-related killings, the Irish govt
pretends that it is the Irish who are the terrorists.
The Brit perpetrators of the Dublin/Monaghan bombing
(34 killed, 320 maimed), the McGurk Pub bombing (15
killed, ten maimed), the Omagh bombing (29 killed,
300 maimed), Bloody Sunday (14 killed, 16 injured)
and essentially all of the other murders are fully
identified, but the Irish govt winks at them
all - refuses to prosecute. Despite this readily available
record, in McKevitts case the draft judgment
attributes terrorism to Irish republicans
instead of to the actual, British, perpetrators. The
Court then uses that false attribution to deny McKevitt
the discovery documents to which he is legally entitled
for his defense. Had Chicago Federal court done likewise
the evidence that FBI agent Buckley fabricated would
never have been caught and Mary, two others and I
would spend the rest of our lives in prison. If Irelands
Dept. of Justice legal findings incorporate such blatant
falsehood in something as fundamental as the identity
of the terrorists, then Irish justice is a criminal
farce, a Quisling operation. English newspapers have
already reported that Kevin Fulton worked
for Brit Army Int. while involved in the Omagh bombing.
Rogue Chicago FBI agent Ed Buckley and his David Rupert
were reportedly involved in Omagh for their MI5 handlers.
Omaghs RUC, warned that the bomb was on its
400-yard-long high street, herded the public along
that street toward the bomb instead of dispersing
them into side streets. They dont allow the
public to hear the warnings tapes and claim their
warnings logbook has gone missing. The
queen awarded George Crosses to Omaghs hard-of-hearing
RUC but not to the RUC officers who acted upon the
warnings in the five previously bombed towns. Thus,
Omaghs perpetrators and abettors are well known,
and they are not McKevitt.
BRIBERY and subversion are central to these crimes.
FBI agent Doyle was specific about MI5s bribes.
McKEVITT might not get a fair trial in Ireland. Even
in The Land of the Free our lawyers (we
had to fire one) were defending us against Agent Buckleys
fabricated charges by nibbling at the edges and mulling
a plea bargain, though they did force the govt
to yield the Discovery Documents. When Mary and I
handed our key lawyer proof that the FBI had massively
doctored the evidentiary tape, he exhibited
chagrin instead of elation. To him, incontrovertible
evidence of FBI crime was a frightening hot
potato. But it did result in scientific confirmation
of massive evidence tampering by the FBI. Therefore
McKevitt lawyers, insist, like our lawyers did, upon
getting all of the Discovery Documents without
which, in Chicago, MI5/FBIs crimes would have
prevailed. Also; our documentation of MI5/FBI/Buckley/Rupert
crimes is just as available to you for McKevitts
defense as our case-winning data were to Federal court
in Chicago. I am also willing to testify, as is Mary.
This exposé may prove just as unwelcome to
you for the same reason; it is dangerous to expose
govt terrorists. Nevertheless, I urge you, Mckevitts
lawyers, to look to your integrity and to summon your
courage. Risk your status and respectability
within the corrupt system by upholding Truth and real
justice. Corrupted Ireland is sunk deeply in bribery,
official extortion, betrayal and cynicism - it is
even complicit with British mass murders of its own
people. Help to resurrect it! Honor its Founding Fathers
sacrifices and those of so many more recently, including
the Sandses and McKevitts. Seize the moment! Demolish
the fundamental Lie: Tell the court who the terrorists
are - the child-murderers. Reveal the body count.
Remind the court as to who arranged the Omagh massacre.
MI5/FBI criminals are also stupid. Only through judicial
and news media corruption can they prevail.
TO ACTION! Readers: please phone US Senators Dick
Durbin (217/492-4062) and Peter Fitzgerald (217/492-5089)
and demand that they arrest FBI Agent Patrick Ed
Buckley and his entire gang including David Rupert.
They must face justice for their terrorist crimes
here and in Ireland. Then phone me (312 664 7651)
their responses to you. Get your family, relatives
and friends to do likewise. Contact me by phone or
Am preparing an expanded version of this, footnoting
and documenting each of the above charges.
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