failure of the Stormont agreement culminating in
the latest furore is the culmination of years of
negotiation based on a flawed analysis.
no stage in this process was the cause of the conflict
in Ireland on the negotiating table and the British
Government outflanked republican/nationalist negotiators
with regard to the issue of Irish National Sovereignty.
the British government strengthened its presence
in Ireland with their violation of our sovereignty
and by doing so have institutionalised the Unionist
veto, which they have used to their advantage and
against the Irish people.
Provisional leadership have been forced to admit
that concession after concession have failed to
make any impact on the thinking within the British
administration and one must make the observation
the British side did not have to move, given that
the Irish negotiators were willing to participate
without challenging the violation of the rights
of the Irish People to
national self-determination.
stark reality for the republican base is that they
have to question what went wrong and if the position
of the Sinn Fein leadership is tenable given their
failure to protect National Sovereignty and their
failure to uphold the right of the Irish people
to national self-determination.
debate is ongoing and no matter what the outcome,
the only successful conclusion will come through
a leadership that upholds and protects the sovereignty
of the Irish Nation."