many years any attempt to tell the truth of what was
happening in the north of Ireland was strangled, D
Notices and state censorship were directed at preventing
the very same republicans who now try to stifle debate
and discussion from reaching a much wider audience.
It is ironic that those who protested bitterly at
Section 31 now attempt to control the way we think
and attempt to silence those who seek to influence
our opinions. It is hypocritical in the extreme that
those who fought the type of censorship imposed by
British imperialism now seek to suppress the views
of their former comrades.
That we now find those who only a few weeks ago demonstrated
for democracy on one hand stifling real debate and
criticism with the other is an example of exactly
why this debate is required. The Blanket, Patrick
and Eamon are considered subversive and dangerous
not as much by the state as by those who want the
strategy of Sinn Fein to prevail. The logic is clear;
at all costs the Sinn Fein leadership want to convince
us that the last 30 years was worth it. We have a
right to question this and to debate it whether in
the pages of the Echo, the Andytown News or the Blanket.
truth is an essential tool in our continued struggle.
Sinn Feins US friends do not have a more benign
version of imperialism than the British, we must not
align ourselves with the likes of Sean Finlay who
supports the continued oppression of our brothers
and sisters around the world. Patrick and Eamon have
been honorable in their refusal to bend to his will
and seek out the truth, which we need to arm ourselves
need more honest, incorruptible journalists like Patrick
Farrelly and Eamon Lynch.
author writes on behalf of the Northern Committee
Socialist Workers Party
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