The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

Justice Needs Done

Tell The Truth rally, Derry, April 16th 2005, Justice for Jimmy Campaign

Damien Okado-Gough • 16 April 2005

Almost forty years ago, thousands of people took to the streets of this town inspired by the example of Martin Luther King and those black Americans who struggled against injustice in the United States of America.

That generation of Irish people, moved by the principle of nonviolence as it was espoused by Martin Luther King, rocked the northern state to its foundations and exposed its corrupt, undemocratic and unjust nature.

They had rekindled an age-old belief that no justice can come from violence. As Gandhi said that we must be the change we want to see in the world they argued that only through peaceful means could real peace and justice be achieved here. But that message, although powerful and compelling in its reason, was drowned out by the monstrous anger of gunfire and the bomb explosions that deafened us for decades afterwards.

And that is why we are here again today. Violence had replaced nonviolence as the weapon of choice and injustice not only persisted, but it flourished. That is why, all these years later, ordinary Irish men and women find themselves participating in a nonviolent protest for justice on the streets of Derry, the cradle of the civil rights movement.

But this time, our protest is not against a corrupt and unjust state. It is against those within our own community who believe it is acceptable to murder their own, deny it, cover it up and then justify it to themselves in terms of their political struggle and the policing role that they have adopted within our communities. I have no doubt that Mark Robinson's and Jimmy McGinley's murders are being justified in these terms.

This protest here today is not designed to attack those responsible for this. It is meant to highlight these cases and to help create the circumstances whereby these families can feel that justice has been done. It is necessary that those responsible for these injustices act to end them as best they can and I am appealing to them to do just that.

This campaign is not an attempt to influence this forthcoming election. It is an honest and genuine struggle for justice. If needs be it will continue long passed the counting of the votes.

It will be focussed and imaginative and at all times nonviolent, in the fullest meaning of the term. No matter how long it takes, we will remember that we are telling the truth and that no lie can live for ever. We will remember Martin Luther King's words that the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice and we continue in the belief that we shall overcome.














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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



All censorships exist to prevent any one from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships.
- George Bernard Shaw

Index: Current Articles

29 April 2005

Other Articles From This Issue:

I Believe
Eamon Sweeney

Behaving Justly
Anthony McIntyre

Stop the Cover Up -- Give Us Peace
Kathleen Coyle

Justice Needs Done
Damien Okado-Gough

More Than Politics to NI Process
David Adams

Jude the Obscure Republican
Anthony McIntyre

Shared Ultra Conservatism
Dr John Coulter

* More Election Coverage *

Europe and the General Election
John O'Farrell


24 April 2005

Robert McCartney's family appeal to Sinn Fein
McCartney Family

Kevin Cunningham

'Dreary Ireland'
Anthony McIntyre

An Ireland of Welcomes Should Be
Mick Hall

Brian Mór

A Spartan's Story
Anthony McIntyre

* Election Coverage *

Martin Cunningham, Newry and Mourne District Council



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