are alarmed by the recent U-turn by the American,
British and Irish governments, resulting in their
concerted attempt to blame everything on Sinn Fein
-- thereby giving Paisley the perfect chance to stonewall
and, by doing so, finish off Trimble and the UUP.
of the dividends of the peace-process, which meant
so much to me personally, was that it not only meant
the end to The Troubles, but that it ended the "Civil-war-mentality",
which played itself out in America by bitterness between
Irish organizations and the Irish government (dramatically
personalized by Sean Donlon when he was the Irish
ambassador to Washington).
had thought the bad old days were over.. . But now
I fear -- with the rantings of Justice Minister, Michael
Mc Dowell (who like his grandfather, Eoin Mac Neill,
is trying to countermand Republicans, only this time
Mc Dowell is trying to deny Sinn Fein's mandate to
move the peace-process forward, North and South) and
the seeming disengagement of Taoiseach Bertie Ahern
(for whom I have deep respect) -- that we may be sliding
back to the bad old days. And that would break my
heart. But, equally, it would make me all the more
determined not to be silent and to make sure Irish-Americans
will not disengage.
three governments must finally realize that the more
they unfairly try to demonize Sinn Fein (and, thereby,
demonize the majority of Catholics in Northern Ireland)
the more Irish-Americans will rally to the Cause.
realize that Sinn Fein may have its faults (which
political party does not?) but they rightly see that
Sinn Fein is making a historic contribution to equality,
justice and peace on the island of Ireland.
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