RSF Are The Sole Inheritors of the Sinn Fein Mantle
Des Dalton 7 January 2005
we in Republican Sinn Fein embark on this the centenary
year of the foundation of Sinn Fein in 1905 it is
necessary to point out that whilst other political
organisations such as Fine Gael, Fianna Fail, The
Worker's Party and the Provisionals may attempt
to claim lay claim to the right of celebrating this
centenary, Republican Sinn Fein are the sole inheritors
of the Sinn Fein mantle. We have an unbroken continuity
over the past 100 years. In that 100 years numerous
group have broken with Sinn Fein and subsequently
were absorbed into the partitionist system north
and south."
every juncture since the adoption of a Republican
constitution in 1917 Republican Sinn Fein have adhered
to and defended that constitution, which states
clearly that the fundamental principles of the organisation
'(A) That the allegiance of Irishmen and Irishwomen
is due to the sovereign Irish Republic proclaimed
in 1916 and established by the First Dail Eireann
on 21 January 1919, and
That the sovereignty and unity of the Republic
are inalienable and non - judicable'. First and
second among its stated objects are:
'(A) The complete overthrow of British Rule in Ireland
and the establishment of a Federal Democratic Socialist
Republic based on the Proclamation of 1916.
- (B)
To bring the proclamation of the Republic, Easter
1916, into effective operation and to maintain and
consolidate the Government of the Republic, representative
of the people of all Ireland, based on that proclamation.'
as we prepare to commemorate and celebrate our centenary
we call on all of those who have long since abandoned
the 'separatist' ethos upon which Sinn Fein was
founded to refrain from the pretence that they have
any link to the historic Sinn Fein organisation.
Further we would call on the Provisionals to follow
the example of the Worker's Party and end their
use of the title Sinn Fein.
have dishonoured this honourable and historic name
long enough. Sinn Fein was founded with the objective
of removing Irish participation in the British parliament
at Westminster and creating an All - Ireland Parliament,
those who draw salaries from or opened offices in
Westminster whilst also participating in the partitionist
assemblies of Stormont and Leinster House have long
since abandoned the very title deeds of Sinn Fein".
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current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress
is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and
executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently
the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships.
- George Bernard Shaw
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