school students actions against the oncoming war on
Iraq I believe is just the tip of the iceberg. On
day X I believe we may see many more students joining
in but this time supported by teachers by lecturers
and by other education workers. They may be joined
by many other trade unionists, women's groups, community
groups, solidarity groups and minority groups. As
well as by political and peace organisations and many
other groups and individuals. Why? Simply because
many people believe that this war is wrong. On day
X death will rain down on women and children already
dying through poverty and hunger. International actions
will be organised and co-ordinated and Belfast will
be no different. Ten minutes or a half an hour away
from whatever station is nothing compared to what
the innocents will be facing in the bloody and relentless
barrage on a poverty stricken people. Stand Firm,
Speak out and ALL OUT - ALL OUT against this coming
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