The Blanket

Colombian Solidarity

Sean Smyth

The Colombian Solidarity Campaign are holding a meeting in Belfast on Tuesday 3 September in the Unemployed Centre, Donegal St, Belfast at 7:00PM, in order to form what we hope will be our first branch in Ireland which will lead on to branches being formed in all trade councils and trade unions.

The campaign was set up to help the trade union movement in Colombia, the most dangerous place in the world to be a trade unionist or activist. Already this year there has been the murder of almost 100 trade unionists. The Campaign has the support of the ICTU.

The Purpose and Objectives of the Campaign:
We are an anti-imperialist organisation, campaigning for a socially just and sustainable peace in Colombia based on human rights and diversity of the Colombian people;

To draw attention to the role that is played by multinational corporations in violating workers’ rights and exploiting both the people and the environment of Colombia;

To report on the horrific human rights situation in Colombia, which last year led to the deaths of 38,000 people, over 80% of whom were killed by right wing paramilitaries who in many instances are working for the multinationals;

To oppose the criminalisation of social protest, and to support the right of Colombian refugees to asylum, and campaign actively to defend them;

We hope to forge links with other South American support groups in the near future and build a solidarity network which will work for all workers in need.













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If they give you ruled paper, write the other way..
- Juan Ramon Jimenez

Index: Current Articles

30 August 2002


Other Articles From This Issue:


Four Women Political Prisoners Die On Hunger Strike
Mags Glennon


A State In A Sectarian Society
Anthony McIntyre


Derry Homily
Brian Mór


The Violence of Curfew
Sam Bahour


Colombian Solidarity
Sean Smyth


The Oldest Profession
Eoghan O’Suilleabhain


25 August 2002


Compassionate Parole
Marian Price


Culture of Hate?
Billy Mitchell


An Agenda Less Hidden
Davy Carlin


The Rioting Police
Anthony McIntyre


Still Life of Sorts
Brian Mór


No Surrender!
Brian Mór


Not An Inch!
Brian Mór


The Adventures of Super Stake Knife
Brian Mór




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The Blanket Magazine Winter 2002
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