Mitchell's articles on organised
crime and the crucifixion,
was interesting especially his admission of having
no love for the petty criminals:
me make it quite clear, I have no soft spot in my
heart for those who prowl our streets and housing
estates preying on the weak and the vulnerable,
robbing and vandalising and turning our estates
into prison-houses of fear.
talks of a society where thugs rule and where people
are afraid to walk the streets of their own communities.
However, Billy forgot to mention the role the paramilitaries
have played in destroying their own and other communities
by their racketeering, demanding protection money
from builders and many others, hijacking, organising
street protest and riots, bank robberies, taking over
homes of the people they were suppose to be protecting,
acting as judge, jury and executioner, kidnapping,
intimidating their own people, ect, ect, ect. Just
look at the misery 'C' company UDA have brought to
the Lower Shankill and the Loyalist working class
in general, But as this is done for Ulster/Ireland
maybe it's better not to mention it.
causes of anti-social behaviour in society are many
- alcoholism, poverty and drug abuse, and they cross
all classes of society, 'except poverty.' Alcoholism
and drug abuse are as much a problem in affluent areas
of society as they are in working class areas, only
in the former those afflicted are more likely to receive
treatment in a Betty Ford type clinics before being
reintroduced into the society of the ruling classes
as Judges and Doctors ect, whereas the poor are left
to die on the streets.
working class areas there is a major problem with
alcohol abuse, where socialising often means going
to a pub or social club where binge drinking is encouraged
- compare the price of soft drinks and wine to the
price of pints of beer and spirits; where children
as young as seven are running the streets until the
early hours of the morning drinking alcohol, smoking
pot, and glue-sniffing. If you want to see this for
yourself lookout side MacDonald's, Castle Place Belfast,
any day of the week day or night.
is only one set of people to blame for all of society's
problems, the parents.There is nothing as innocent
or as pure as a new born baby. It is the parents who
teach them to hate, to be sectarian, racist, or elitists.
It's the parents who vote for the politicians, and
who stood idly by while society ripped itself apart
for the last eighty plus years.
will only get better when parents of anti-social children
live up to their obligations and put their own house
in order. If they don't then maybe the time has come
for society to act. There is talk of changes in law
where juries will be told before any trial begins
if the accused has any previous convictions. Will/could
this hinder a fair trial?
society introduce a three strike rule, after anybody
has offended three times the jury is told of their
previous convictions, if found guilty they get their
sentence plus five years. If they offend again they
get their sentence plus ten years and so on.
that is evil in our society is first taught in the
home. Parents should be held accountable for the actions
of their children and then the communities they grow-up
in and then society.There is an ancient Tibetan saying
'give me the child for the first six years of his
life and I will give you the man.'
is right in his assessment of the police and the courts;
the working class cannot look to the police/courts
or governments to solve the problem of anti-social
behaviour, as they are only concerned with protecting
the capitalist and the multiinational companies.
working class have the power to change society, but
first we must look at ourselves. We are told that
we live in a democracy. That is a lie. We live in
a capitalist society where greed and selfishness are
rewarded, where the rich get richer and the poor get
people most effected by anti-social behaviour and
organised crime is the working class and it's only
when the working class, who are the majority of the
'voting' population work together to build a just
and fair society for all will we be able to tackle
anti-social behaviour, gangsterism and so on. If we
don't, we will 'reap what we sow.'
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