With almost 60 regional and local
titles in circulation which are read by 90% of the
population, the press market in Northern Ireland is
responsible for circulating more copies per thousand
people than any other region in Europe. One of the
most significant titles in the local newspaper market
is the Andersonstown News (familiarly known
as Andytown News). Its Thursday edition
is the second biggest selling weekly in Northern Ireland.
It is probably the local newspaper best representative
of the nationalist community in Belfast. It is an
influential newspaper, it outsells and is more widely
read than the Irish News in Belfast. It is
a source of information and identity for the local
community. If you wants to know how the Nationalist
community feels, the Andytown News is a good place
to start. In his 1998 Damian Walsh lecture, the papers
editor Robin Livingstone declared:
editor of the Andytown News isn't like being the
editor of the Lurgan Mail or the Mourne Observer.
The Andytown News punches way above its weight.
We're putting two local weekly newspapers out with
considerably less resources than other newspapers
with perhaps a third of our circulation - and yet
we find ourselves quoted in Whitehouse briefing
papers; discussed in the House of Commons; referred
back to as some sort of ultra-reliable barometer
of nationalist opinion in lengthy learned pieces
in what we please to call the quality press. If
West Belfast really is the cockpit of the North,
the Andytown News has become its instrument panel.
first issue of the Andersonstown News came
out on 22 November 1972. It was an eight pages weekly
published by the Andersonstown Central Civil Resistance
Committee. As the name of the publisher indicates
it was a resistance paper, part of the
alternative press which existed then. Other titles
included Republican News, The Volunteer, Tatler
published by Republicans, or the Unfree Citizen
published by the Peoples Democracy. The paper
had similar production and distribution processes
to these titles. It relied on volunteers, had little
money and a small circulation. Today, things are radically
different. It is a real corporate enterprise. From
a small eight pages publication, the Andersonstown
News is now published twice a week, the Thursday
edition is a 104-page publication with 36 pages of
full colour (circulation of 16 829 copies in 2003),
and the Monday edition is 72 pages including 14 pages
of weekend sport (circulation of 8 151). It is published
by the media group Nuachtáin Teoranta also
known as the Andersonstown News Group. The Chief Executive
of the group is Mr Mairtin O'Muilleoir and the editor
of the Andersonstown News is Robin Livingstone.
This fast growing group is made up of the Andersonstown
News (gone bi-weekly in 2000), the North Belfast
News, an 84 pages weekly launched in 1998 which
is the most popular paid-for newspaper in North Belfast,
and the South Belfast News (weekly), first
published in 2001. One of the peculiarities of that
paper is that it tries to appeal to both communities
across the south of the city, and not just to a Nationalist
readership. Finally, the group also owns the Irish
language national newspaper La, that it bought
in 1999. La (whose model is the Basque language
daily Egun Karia) has gone daily since 2002,
and has a circulation of about 6000. The group has
a website since 2000 (www.irelandclick.com). It employs
50 staff full time and about 20 part time.
2004 as much as in 1972, the paper has a strong community
orientation. It celebrates the educational, economic
and cultural achievements of Nationalist West Belfast.
(an external observer would note that there is sometimes
a certain dose of vanity and self satisfaction) It
gives a lot of coverage to all kinds of events happening
there, from birthdays to sporting occasions. It is
full of adverts from local businesses and classifieds
from local residents. There is a popular letters page
as well as articles on current events. The Andersonstown
News was very much the product of a disenfranchised,
disaffected and unofficial subculture, strongly reflecting
the socio-political location of the Nationalist underclass.
It articulated and contested the various forms of
political and social marginalisation experienced by
that subordinated group. The very first issue (22-29
November 1972)s position on Assembly elections
was Boycott the Elections and Dont
Vote Use Your Head:
by any chance, any of our people allow themselves
to be gulled into participating in any shape or
form in this farce, then these people shall in the
future stand indicted in the eyes of the generations
yet unborn. Anyone who believes that by taking part
in this election they will possibly change
the status quo, are either very politically naïve
or else they are blatant place-seekers.
British) hope that by dragging in the reformed
NLF (Official IRA) and their supporters on the safe
ground of parliamentary politics and in turn by
offering some say in the running of the state to
the quisling SDLP, that they will convince the Catholic
working class that they will have gained some control
over their own affairs. However the great deceit
will fail.
The people are beginning to realise
that any parliamentary assembly under English dominance
will not change the situation here in the North.
It will only be a façade, which will conceal
where the real power lies, with the British capitalists
at Westminster who control the economy and the politics
amounts of British assemblies, Stormont or Leinster
House politics shall restore that peace and stability.
is very different from the current editorial stance
of the paper and its reaction to the recent Assembly
elections. Similarly, the original support for No
Rent and No Rates wouldnt
go down well with the estates agents and landlords
advertising in its pages today.
has happened is that in the meantime, the Andersonstown
News has shifted from being part of the alternative
press to become part of the mainstream media. Alternative
media are those that avowedly reject or challenge
established and institutionalised politics, in the
sense that they all advocate change in society, or
at least a critical assessment of traditional values...
Often founded to campaign on one particular issue,
alternative media face considerable problems of survival,
given their tendency to be under-financed, and unattractive
to advertisers and the mass commercial market.
(O'Sullivan (ed), Key concepts in Communications
and Cultural Studies, London: Routledge, 1994,
extent to which a publication may be termed alternative
is based upon a number of factors - orientation, production,
distribution, readership and so on (1).
On these criteria, the Andersonstown News today
can no longer be considered an alternative media.
It has a clear corporate orientation and politically
is rather mainstream (remember that Sinn Fein was
in government in Stormont until it was suspended).
It central aim is to be a profitable venture. Economically,
the paper is able to court the commercial mainstream.
Although much of its advertising comes from businesses
in Catholic areas of West Belfast, it has been able
to attract advertising from the likes of recruitment
agencies and pharmaceutical companies. Recently, it
went as far as to lift the ban on recruitment ads
for the PSNI!
terms of production, it uses industry-standard computer
software and mainstream printers. The news group prints
in-house in new offices and press hall, built in 2000
as part of its £2m investment which included
the commissioning of a new web, full-colour press.
An additional quad stack unit for the press installed
in May 2002 has treble colour pagination. In terms
of scale, production cycles and organisation of work
by journalists, the Andersonstown News is similar
to mainstream practice. It is not innovative or alternative
in design or visual style. Its distribution network
is that of the mainstream press. When Mairtin O Muilleoir
bought La in 1999, he declared We
will be more like the Daily Mail than the Irish Star
will be more akin to European and American tabloids
(Sunday Business Post, 3 November 2002). This
illustrates well the extent to which the Andersonstown
News has absorbed the dominant values, attitudes
and styles of the corporate mainstream. The importance
of the coverage given to topics like crime or local
sporting celebrities in recent years put the paper
more in the league of the Sunday World than
the paper in its early years.
of the hallmarks of the alternative press is how it
is often subject to direct and coercive censorship
by those in power. The Andersonstown News,
which has complained for years about the censorship
that Republicans were victims of, has now itself been
accused of trying to marginalize dissenting voices.
Eamon Lynch, a columnist for the New York Irish
Echo wrote an article sharply critical of the
paper, calling it the voice of banana republicanism:
Andersonstown News serves much the same function
for Sinn Fein as Pravda once did for the Soviet
politbureau and that Fox News now does for the Bush
administration. It is a dependable organ of banana
republicanism, promoting Dear Leadership and attacking
dissenters with zeal. (Irish Echo
11 June 2003).
pressure from Mairtin O Muilleoir, the column was
removed from the Irish Echo website. This was
not the first time that the paper tried to silence
critics. In 2001, incensed at jabs by Newton Emerson's
satirical Portadown News website, Robin Livingstone
had the satirist fired by informing his employer that
the site was updated during working hours. This contemptible
move backfired when Emerson became a regular media
presence. Anthony McIntyre, a regular columnist on
the Blanket website is frequently criticised
in the paper, and claims that he is denied right of
reply, even in a letter to the editor. When articles
written by McIntyre about the Andersonstown News
were linked on Newshound, a popular website
of news about Northern Ireland, the paper threatened
Newshound founder John Fay with a libel action.
Such has been the evolution of the Andersonstown
(1) My discussion of what constitutes
alternative or mainstream
media is largely based on Lance Pettits article
in the Irish Communications Review Irelands
Alternative Press: Writing from the Margins
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