The Blanket


A journal of protest & dissent


You really can change the world if you care enough.
- Marian Wright Edelman



An díomhaointeas ag cothú drochiompair


Liz Curtis


Writing in Irish, Liz Curtis describes from her own experience some of the social problems on a North Belfast estate, including glue-sniffing, joy-riding and rioting (which has been called "recreational violence"). She suggests that the fundamental problem is de-industrialisation, which has left unskilled workers in both communities in the same plight, dependent on welfare benefits. The main bone of contention is no longer access to jobs, but which side can get the most from public funds. Liz suggests that the major problem that should be addressed is how to provide skills and jobs for the unskilled across the board, who have been left behind by global economic change.


An díomhaointeas ag cothú drochiompair















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The Blanket




INDEX: Current Articles


6 June 2002


Other Articles From This Issue:


An díomhaointeas ag cothú drochiompair

Liz Curtis


Wishing for reunion but walking yet apart

Paul A. Fitzsimmons



Dorothy Robinson


2 June 2002


Pointless Pontificating
Ciarán Irvine


The Killing of Children
Anthony McIntyre


What Is To Be Done? What Is To Be Thought?
Alain Badiou, Natasha Michel, Sylvain Lazarus


Davy Carlin



Latest News & Views

Index: Current Articles

 Book Reviews 



The Blanket Magazine Winter 2002

Republican Voices