The Blanket


A journal of protest & dissent


I am of course confident that I will fulfill my tasks as a writer in all circumstances
--from my grave even more successfully and more irrefutably than in my lifetime.
No one can bar the road to truth, and to advance its cause I am prepared to accept even death.
But may it be that repeated lessons will finally teach us not to stop the writer's pen during his lifetime?
At no time has this ennobled our history. 
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn




December 2001

War Against Terror or War For Resources
Aine Fox

Bull In A Communist Shop
Anthony McIntyre

Supporting Peace But Not The Process
Anthony McIntyre

Community Leaders and Violence
Billy Mitchell

Peaceline Peace?
Peter Shirlow

New Model Armies
Kevin Bean

A Pyrrhic Victory
Anthony McIntyre

Go To Sleep, My Weary Provo
Anthony McIntyre

The Real Meaning of the GFA
Brendan Hughes

War Crimes
Anthony McIntyre

Sinn Feign
Anthony McIntyre

Workers of the West - Fight!
Anthony McIntyre

Left Wing Irrelevancy
Liam O Ruairc

November 2001

On Hitchens, the Taliban and Fascism
David C. Schweickart

What For Noraid?
Niall Fennessy

A Patriotic Paedophile
Anthony McIntyre

Rule 21: The GAA�s Dry Run for Sinn Fein
Breandan O Muirthile

Ordinary Liberalism Posing As Anarchism
Alan Spector

Update on Worsening Situation for Republican Prisoners in Port Laoise
Marian Price

October 2001

Dangerous Words - The Genesis of the Irish Republican Writers Group
Anthony McIntyre

The Terror In Our Schoolyards
Carolyn Howarth

A Spotlight On Evidence Not There
Anthony McIntyre

Profoundly Disturbing
Ann Shaw

Leargas on Tommy McKearney
Anthony McIntyre

Globalisation is the New Colonialism
Billy Mitchell

Ex-IRA men accuse Adams of betraying struggle
Paul Hughes

A Sequence of Surrender
Ex-prisoners reaction

Difficult Times Ahead For Provisionals
Dan McGinn and Ruth O'Reilly

An Open Letter to Physical Force Republicanism
Tommy Gorman and Anthony McIntyre

Burying Republicans and Republicanism
Anthony McIntyre

"No" Minister
Anthony McIntyre

September 2001

In Turkey They Can Die As Long As They Do Not Think
Interview with Sinan Ersoy

Endgame in Northern Ireland?
Kevin Donegan

The Failure of War
Cian S�amas Yates

Genocide of the War Criminals - But are they all in Afghanistan?
Anthony McIntyre

Patriotism and the Appropriate Response
Kevin Donegan

SATIRE:The Intergalactic Communist League (ICL)

Today We Weep
Carrie Twomey

The Turbanization of Terrorists
Jules Boykoff and Kaia Sand

The Monster is off the Leash
Karen Lyden Cox

Civil Rights Through the Front Door
Anthony McIntyre

This Hate We Shall Maintain
Anthony McIntyre

An Ambiguity that Corrupts
Anthony McIntyre

Misc 2001

Mohamed Elargi - A Child Dies
Anthony McIntyre

Crime In Punishment
Anthony McIntyre

Se�n Mac St�of�in - A Tribute
Ruairi � Br�daigh

Good Friday - 3 years on has anything changed?
Gregor Kerr

Voice of the Lark:"Problem Families" or Families with Problems
The Politics of Community Responsibility

Essay by Billy Mitchell

Ireland: IRA lays down its arms
An End to Ireland's Troubles? (1994)
David Reed

Double Standards: Violence and Contrasting Community Response
Ciar�n Irvine

Silence is not Golden; It is Complicity
Anthony McIntyre

Voice of the Lark:Legacy of the Hunger Strikes
Speech by Marian Price

Voice of the Lark:Policing
Speeches by Paul Little and Billy Mitchell

What of the Working People
Brendan Hughes

The Need for Critical Voices
Censorship examined
Anthony McIntyre

Political Policing
Carrie Twomey

++N3O: Journal of the Uninvited
Confronting the WTO in Seattle
Paul Hawken

We are doing exactly what they want us to do: Hating The Other
Karen Lyden Cox

No Irish need apply if they are opposed
Eamonn Lynch, Ireland On Sunday

TEN MEN DEAD: The legacy of the 1981 Republican hunger strikes
Liam O Ruairc

Sean Mac Stiofain comments on TEN MEN DEAD

A Rebel Republican
Liz Curtis, Irish Post

Ireland: 'A betrayal of what we fought for'
Fight Racism, Fight Imperialism interviews Brendan Hughes

Solidarity with the Death Fast Prisoners in Turkey 



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The Blanket




2001 Article Archive
The Blanket is updated every Sunday and Thursday
Articles on this page are in order of appearance on website;
Use the 'find' command to search for articles by author or title,
or use the Google search engine to search the site for an article of interest


Anthony McIntyre

Brendan Hughes

Tommy Gorman

Liam O Ruairc

Billy Mitchell

A�ne Fox

Davy Carlin

Ciar�n Irvine


For previously archived articles, please see the archive section of the IRWG website

Voice of the Lark
(Public Debates 2001)


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Index: Current Articles

 Book Reviews 

